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"urghhh..... who the hell is disturbing my beautiful sleep" a girl with blanket over her face said in an irritated tone .

"Hushh..(relief) finally it stopped " .
She said in sleepy tone
Again *beep*beep*. ( Her ignoring it )

"Yayyyyy....!!!!! You lazy ass wake up nowww....!!!!!!!" an old lady shouted while opening the door of the room.

" no mom just few min more " the girl said

"Ohhh really ?? Do you know what's the time . Its already 6:40 . You have only 20 min "

The blanket was suddenly removed from the the girl's face revealing her beautiful and natural face . She was definitely a sleeping Beauty .

"Whattt...??? 6:40 ? Oh no I am late . Why didn't you woke me earlier ? " The girl said in tensed tone in a hurry searching for her clothes .

"Oh look who is saying - Miss Kim jisoo , the sleeping Beauty. When you will become punctual . I have been waking you up from 1 hour " her mother said

"Ohh ok I got it my dear mom ...now go out and let me change ." Jisoo said while lightly pushing her mother out of the door .

" And come within 5 min till them I am arranging breakfast "

"Ok !!!!!! " she shouted from upstairs

"Oh God I need to hurry up . What should I wear ??? Ughhhh .... its so confusing and why can't I find anything among this much clothes only when I am getting late " she complaint

After getting ready she took her phone and saw 10 missed calls " oh no !! 10 missed calls . Now I am definitely dead . Now he is going to letcure me . For now I have to leave he must be waiting " she said in a hurry .

"Oh no it's already 6:55 . "
She took a bread toast in her mouth and one in her hand and left saying " bye mom !! I am getting late " she said while stuffing the bread into her mouth .

"Oh God this girl " her mother said while chuckling at her cuteness

"Ohh hi !!! I am here " she shouted at a handsome looking boy .
She runs towards him while panting
"I ( panting - huhh) am ( panting - huhh) sorry ....(panting ) . I woke up late . I didn't hear the alarm" she said .
The boy said " oh really  . After 10 missed calls which you were declining ofc so that your beautiful sleep shouldn't get disturbed , you are saying you don't heard the alarm and call ring"
She showed him her puppy eyes which ofc he can't resist " I am sorry Taehyung "

" oh-oohk . Now stop with that act . You know my weakness very well huh..? Ok but next time I ain't going to spare you got it ?

" yeahh " she said happily " thank you . Now let's go otherwise we will get late "

"Oh see who is saying " Taehyung said while side eyeing her
she hit his arm and said " Ya ...!! What's your problem now . Stop it "

He let out a chuckle

That's it for this part . I know this may seems boring and there was nothing much special in this part because ofc it's the starting but beleive me I will try to make the story quite interesting in upcoming chapters .
BTW what do you think about their friendship . I really found their characters quite interesting

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