Chapter 50

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After a day on the beach both Brakonian cousins were on their bedroom processing what they just witnessed.

Ziara: could it be telling the truth?

Hitohito: who knows... it didn't attack us.

Ziara: then what's the plan? Do we help the beast or not?

Hitohito: we have to think this for a second, we already have our plate filled with the Red Legion, not to mention who sent Tremor and Hyperion after me.

Ziara: that is true, I don't think we could afford more trouble that we could hadle.

Hitohito: exactly.

Ziara: so that's it... we just refused to help the Leviathan?

Hitohito: it's not that it's just..... maybe we need more hands.

Ziara: hmm that is true.

Hitomi: what you need is more people like you.

Hitohito: more people like us? That would be hard we're the last of our race.

Hitomi: no no no look here's an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if they can become something more, so when they need you, you can fight the battles that they never could.

Hitohito: .... wait a minute did you get that from-

Ziara: -claps her hands- of course that is a great idea Hitomi!

Hitomi: thanks, now that I think about  nii-chan aren't you in a group already?

Ziara: oh you are?

Hitohito: well it's more of a secret task force, they're the ones putting a stop on the Red Legion.

Ziara: oh my I don't think you've told me about them.

Hitohito: I didn't? Strange I thought I did.

Ziara: well in that case I would love to meet them.

Hitohito gave a nervous laugh

Hitohito: hahaha yeah....

Ziara: so we can I meet them?

Hitohito: well the thing is.

-ring ring ring ring-

Hitohito's phone rang, it was Wayne's number.

Hitohito: oh boy...

Ziara: who is it?

Hitohito: my boss.... -answer the call- hello?

Wayne: [Tadano we have a meeting tomorrow first thing in the morning, I need all of you to come.]

Hitohito: sure I'll be there.

Wayne: [no I meant the two of you]

Hitohito: .... I don't follow.

Wayne: [don't play dumb with me Tadano, I know you're giving shelter to the other alien, no worries I'm not angry but I need the both of you tomorrow]

Hitohito: Wayne I don't want to involve her-

Wayne: [I am not asking you, I am ordering you, now you either bring her or I'll tell the rest of my organization where's is she]

Hitohito -clenching his fist- fine we'll be there tomorrow.

Wayne: [well said kid] -hangs up-

Hitohito let a frustrated sigh.

Hitohito: I don't know what's going on with him.

Ziara: something wrong Zol-El?

Hitohito: -sighs- yeah... listen Ziara I don't know how but my superior now knows of your existence so he wants us both meeting him tomorrow.

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