Chapter 14

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A bright morning at the Komi's residence, Shouko was dressing up to go to school again, it was still too early for classes to start but she woke up all excited looking forward to spend another day with her friends.

So: you're leaving early Shouko?

Shouko: -nods-

Shuuko: alright be careful on the way to school.

Shouko left her home and made her way to school, she was halfway through school when suddenly a strong typhoon hit her.

Shouko: !

She tried to run and find the nearest shelter, but there was only a small bridge next to a river. Panicking she didn't know what to do, should she try going home? No it's too dangerous the typhoon is too strong. Call her mom perhaps? Useless, her phone didn't get any reception due to the storm.

She was about to cry, she was hoping someone notice her at the bridge, someone who could save her from the  storm.

Tadano residence.

Hitohito and Hitomi were already set to go to school when news striked about the wild typhoon.

Jeanne: that storm is no joke.

Hitomi: yeah it came out of nowhere.

Hitohito got worried, knowing Shouko she probably already was going to school but got caught in the middle of the storm so he decided to give her a call.

Hitohito: come on pick up...... please pick up.

He didn't get any response, it also didn't help when the news reported a power outage near Shouko's area.

Hitohito: I'm going to look for her.

He stood up and grabbed his suit, heading to the door.

Hitomi: where are you going nii-chan?

Hitohito: I'm going to make sure people are safe out there, since we can't go to school right now I figured I could use the free time to patrol the area.

Jeanne: be careful son, I don't want you to catch a cold.

Hitohito: I'll be fine mom I promise.

After leaving his apartment Hitohito/Guardian went into the search for Shouko.

Shouko was beginning to cry, minutes have passed and no one has come to her rescue. The thunder and lighting only made things worse, she wrapping her knees and covering her face in fear.

Shouko: someone.... please help me.....

Guardian: you okay miss?

She turned her attention to the person in the red cape, she didn't think clearly what she was doing when Shouko rushed to hug Guardian, he could hear her soft sobs.

Guardian: (whoa whoa whoa too close too close too close!!)

Guardian was a blushing mess right now but he had to stay calm and focus on Shouko's safety.

Guardian: ahem, miss do you live near here?

Shouko broke the hug and nodded, she pointed the direction to where she come from.

Guardian: excellent, please put this on.

Guardian handed her a raincoat that he had brought, Shouko put it on and wonder how is Guardian going to take her home.

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