Chapter 26

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The next day after school Hitohito stood in front of the Tokyo Herald's entrance, a huge 20 story building.

Hitohito: okay Hitohito don't be nervous you're just going for an interview, it's not guaranteed that you'll get the job...... oh man I should've brought a change of clothes.

Kuze: Tadano-kun?

Hitohito: Yasahiro-san!

Kuze: good to see you here.

Hitohito: I want to thank you for the opportunity.

Kuze: haha don't thank me yet, we have to see the boss first.

Hitohito and Kuze took the elevator to the top floor. When the doors opened he saw a bunch of desks and writers.

Kuze: follow me.

Kuze led him to the main office of the boss, who looked like a bald man around his 50s, arguing with a tall woman with light brown hair.

Kuze: hey boss I brought the guy I was telling you about.

Goro: not now Yasahiro, I'm busy. Miura I'm telling you to stop chasing after him.

Tanaka Goro the main boss of the Tokyo Herald, was arguing with one of his employees Miura Haruka one of the best journalists in the Tokyo Herald.

Haruka: with all due respect Tanaka but if get to interview Guardian it will be a major game changer for the Tokyo Herald.

Goro: and I'm telling you, this is a waste of time, how about instead of chasing aliens you get me a report on tomorrow's football game at Itan. I want you to interview the team captain.

Haruka: the son of the police captain Takeda?

Goro: precisely!

Haruka: -sighs- guess it's better than nothing.

Haruka walked away from the office.

Goro: Yasahiro you better have something good.

Kuze: well look for yourself boss, this is Tadano Hitohito, and he's interested in the new program.

Goro: new program? What new program?

Kuze: well the one you put up to get students into the newspaper industry.

Goro: oh that program, that was 2 years ago and it was a total failure, sorry kid but we're no longer hiring.

Kuze: come on boss he came all this way, can't you at least give him an interview?

Goro: -sighs- I don't have time for this... alright kid take a seat.

Hitohito: thank you sir.

Goro: don't thank me yet. So judging by your uniform you go to Itan right?

Hitohito: that's right.

Goro: we don't hire a lot of part-timers, but since Yasahiro told me that you helped him the other day I suppose I can help you as well.

Hitohito: I'll do my best Tanaka-san.

Goro: we'll see, since you are applying for a part-time I'll have to assign you to a more experienced worker who can show you the ropes. Kuze tell Miura to come to my office.

Kuze: you got it boss.

Kuze walked away from the office.

Goro: listen kid, you think you can handle it? Journalism isn't easy. You have to write good stories to write to stay relevant.

Hitohito: I promise I'll do my best, I can write great news for these bussines.

Goro: huh if I had a coin for every time I heard that.

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