Hitohito's birthday chapter.

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A/N: I wanted to make this short chapter for Hitohito's birthday, but I wanted to clarify that this does not replace the weekly chapter. Chapter 17 will be published tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Meanwhile hopefully you enjoy this one.
September 29th, it's been 16 years since Hitohito came down on Earth on his spaceship. Who know if he was really born that day or not, but when Satoshi and Jeanne found the little boy on the woods that day, they decided to make it his official birthday.

Guardian was patrolling the city after school, he had some time to spare before coming to his "surprise" party. He just stopped another robbery, it was the third robbery this week.

Guardian: man this criminals are getting bolder and bolder.

When the police arrived they immediately apprehended the criminals.

Officer: thanks Guardian, you are really a lifesaver.

Guardian: no need to thank me officer just doing my job.

Guardian fled the scene, he still had an hour or two before his surprise party.

Tadano residence.

Jeanne: dinner is almost ready, Hitomi are you finished decorating?

Hitomi: almost there mom.

Jeanne: oh I hope your father arrives early with the cake...... I should give him a call?

Jeanne grabbed her phone and dialed her husband.

Satoshi: hello?

Jeanne: dear sorry to interrupt you how are things?

Satoshi: everything's fine honey, I just got out of the bakery and I should get home in 20 minutes.

Jeanne: great, by the time Hito arrives home everything will be set.

Satoshi: can't wait to celebrate my son's birthday, see you at home Jeanne love you.

Jeanne: love you too dear.

She hung up the phone and continued with the last details of dinner.

Hitomi: alright I'm done with the decorating.

Jeanne: great now I'm gonna need you to wrap up the present.

Hitomi: okay where is it?

Jeanne: it's on my bedroom if you can bring it here.

Hitomi: okay.

She headed into her parent's bedroom to get the gift, and came back to the kitchen.

Hitomi: alright I'm going to wrap it now.

Jeanne: thank you!

While there where finishing the last details at the party, Guardian has now finished with patrolling, and went back to his uniform.

Hitohito: if I walk all the way home I could make it just in time for the "surprise" party haha, man my super hearing just do its own thing.

While Hitohito was walking down the city's street he began to remember all the things that happened in his life.

He could remember seeing the faces of his now parents, he remembered the time he discovered his powers, his first friend, the day he promised to help Shouko reach 100 friends.

He remembered the day he decided to used his powers for good, the day he decided to become a hero.

Hitohito: it's hard to imagine that it's been 16 years since I arrived here, still there's so much I don't know. Where do I really come from? Where is my real family? Did they sent me away because they didn't want me?

Hitohito began tear up a bit but he immediately wipe them up.

Hitohito: no that doesn't matter, I have a family that really loves me with parents that take care of me.

He continued to walk until he arrived at his home right before sun down.

Hitohito: home at last.

He opened his door trying to play dumb not knowing about the party.

Tadano family: surprise!!

Hitohito: whaaa? A surprise party? You shouldn't have.

Hitomi: you knew didn't you?

Hitohito: yeah sorry I overheard mom and dad talking about it last week.

Satoshi: haha yeah I had a feeling you might knew.

Jeanne: well regardless it is your birthday, so come on take a seat son.

Hitohito: right away mom.

Jeanne served dinner to the family and the family began to talk about how their day went, upon finishing their dinner Satoshi took out the cake and light the candles.

Satoshi: happy birthday my son.

Hitohito: thanks dad.

The family began singing happy birthday to Hitohito, all the memories he had came back but this time he didn't hold up the tears.

Hitohito: -sniffs- wow..... that was... -sniffs- thank you guys.

Jeanne: everything alright son?

Hitohito: yes mom, everything is fine. I'm just glad to have such a wonderful family.

The family gathered around for a group hug, at that moment Hitohito forgot about all the bad things on his mind, he didn't care anymore about where is his real family, because he found a family loved him.

Hitohito always felt like an outsider, but the feeling would eventually go away whenever he was with his family, and he wouldn't change that for everything.

Tadano family: happy birthday Hitohito!!

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