Chapter 20

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January 1st, a new year has begun and a new Hitohito.... sort of.

After dinner Hitohito, Hitomi, and Najimi spent the rest of the night playing video games but since he woke up just now he barely remembers any of that.

As he headed to the kitchen he could hear his sisters laughs who was sitting next to Najimi.

Hitomi: good afternoon nii-chan, man did you sleep the whole morning is already noon.

Hitohito: yeah yeah.... wait Najimi what are you doing here?

Naijimi: what don't you remember? Your family invited me and we spend the night playing videogames.

Hitohito: hmmmm.... -trying to remember- oh yeah now I remember.

Najimi: well since you're awake now and it's new year, how about we go to the shrine! We'll invite the rest.

Hitohito: okay.

Najimi took out their phone and made a few calls, they invited the majority of the gang.

Najimi: hey Tadano why do I have to do all the work? You try and call someone.

Hitohito: alright alright, I'll call Onemine first.

Hitohito gave a call to Onemine's house, then moved on to invite Otori and after that Katai, then it came to inviting Mike as well.

Hitohito: ( I haven't seen Mike since the incident on Italy, it would be a good opportunity to catch up with him.)

Hitohito dialed Mike's number and waited around for a few seconds.

Mike: hello?

Hitohito: Mike how are you doing it's me Tadano.

Mike: Tadano?! Where have you been bro? I haven't heard from you in a while.

Hitohito: it's a really long story, listen we are planning to go to the shrine today and we invited some people do you want to go?

Mike: of course! I'll see you there my friend.

After hanging up the phone there was only one person left, Shouko. Najimi tried to reach her earlier but couldn't get an answer, Hitohito would feel bad if she was left out.

Hitohito: we should try reaching Komi-san again.

Najimi and Hitomi hid their grin behind their cards, and thousand armed Hitohito showed up.

Hitohito: i-it's only common courtesy, she's our friend after all.

Najimi: alright I'll try again.

While Najimi was Shouko again Hitomi looked at her brother with a smug look and began teasing him.

Hitomi: why are you so embarrassed?

Hitohito: -blushing- please stop.

A few hours later at the shrine.

Hitohito was talking to Mike about all what happened.

Mike: something's off what could possibly Nakamura do with you ship.

Hitohito: I don't know Nakamura very well, but he's up to no good.

Mike: tell me about it, first the experimental weapons and now this. This man is out of control.

Hitohito: isn't there something we can do?

Mike: unfortunately no, Nakamura has influence all over Japan, he's basically untouchable.

Hitohito: no man is above the law.

Mike: listen Tadano, I know you want to stop him as much as I do, but he has a lot of judges and politicians on his pocket.

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