Chapter 34

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The night before the first day of school, Mike was doing some work at the hideout while Keith was testing some new tech.

Keith: so Mike you excited about the new school year?

Mike: as a matter of fact I am, there's a lot of things that I look forward to this year.

Keith: really like what?

Mike: for starters the cultural festival, but there's plenty of time for that, also the sports festival...... nevermind.

Keith: and what about your girlfriend Nakanaka?

Mike: -blushing- hey she's not my girlfriend!

Keith: oh~.

Mike: shut the hell up.

Keith: haha sorry I just like teasing you.

Mike: yeah? Well I don't see you dating someone.

Keith: oh I already tried, it didn't wotk out that well.

Mike: wait..... what? Since when?

Keith: I think about a month later after we moved here, we only dated each other for a few weeks. This job is very time consuming.

Mike: ...why am I just hearing about this?

Keith: you didn't ask.

Mike: I.... so who was she?

Keith: she's a stylist, she owns her own beauty salon. Her name's Karisu

Mike: wow... and what happened?

Keith: well things didn't work out so well, I was too busy with work and so was she, we never had time to go out the two of us.

Mike: oh.... I'm sorry about that brother.

Keith: it's okay, it was a mutual break up but I'm glad to have met her.

Wayne: -covered in blood- alright ladies enough chit-chat we've got work to do.

Keith: jeez Wayne you okay? You're bleeding.

Wayne: don't worry mate, it's not mine.

Keith: .......... hey Mike don't you think that Wayne can be a little unhinged sometimes?

Mike: you're just realizing that now?

Wayne: as I was saying, I got a lead on the Red Legion's hideout.

Keith: how did you?

Wayne: I have my ways, but there's still much to do before we can launch an attack.

Mike: where's it located?

Wayne: somewhere in Europe.

Mike: -clenches his fists-

Wayne: Mike focus, I know you want to end this as soon as possible, but there's a process to all of this.

Mike: to hell with it! Let's call Tadano and point him in the direction.

Wayne: no can do, we can't just send Tadano somewhere without the approval if our boss.

Mike: to hell with that! Let's kill those terrorists right now!

Keith: MIKE!

Mike: ......

Keith: I know how you feel, but this isn't something to take lightly, if what Wayne says it's true and the hideout it's there, they'll be armed to the teeth with defense.

Wayne: he's right, we don't what are Tadano's limits but we can't take the chance, he's still a valuable asset for the time being and we can't afford to lose him yet.

My HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora