Chapter 16

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Flashback to middle school Hitohito.

The day went by as usual, Hitohito walking down the hallways of the building with his friend Najimi who was wearing a boy's uniform.

Hitohito: I have made up my mind Najimi.

Najimi: hm?

Hitohito: I'm going to confess to Kawai-san.

Hitohito didn't think himself as a big deal, even with his powers he still felt like an average student.

Najimi: and what's your game plan? Do you want to write the word "LOVE" on the field tracks?

Hitohito: no that's a bit too much, I'll just ask her for a moment of her time and I'll confess.

Najimi: boring! Come on man put some effort into it.

Hitohito: let me handle this, okay?

Najimi: fine!

1 hour later.

Hitohito somehow convinced Kawai to follow him outside the school building. He was trying to come up with the words while Kawaii just looked at him in confusion.

Hitohito: um, Kawai-san.

Kawai: yes?

He took a deep breath and said the next words.

Hitohito: Kawai-san I like you please go out with me!

Kawai: .... sorry Tadano you're a nice guy but you're not my type.

Hitohito: ...... (of course she would say that.) I-I see sorry to waste your time haha.

That would've been the end of it, they but would go on their way and pretend none of this could've happened. Instead some of Kawai's friends and other people from the same class saw the whole thing from the windows and began laughing for the rejection.

Kawai's friend: OMG that was so pathetic, did this four eyed freak really thought he had a chance with Kawai?

After hearing that Hitohito's heart broke in pieces, he obviously knew there's no way Kawaii would go out with someone like him, but hearing that from someone else hurt him.

Kawai: girls please don't-

They didn't listen to Kawai-san instead they kept laughing and insulting Hitohito.

While Kawai tried to stop them it was too late, soon the whole class began to laugh at Hitohito. He did his best to hold his tears, he is already being bullied enough.

Class roommate: hey why don't you go back to the hole you came from you loser?!

He said while throwing down a juice box at Hitohito.

Kawai: okay guys that's enough!

They still didn't listen, it got up to a point where Hitohito was losing his patience, but he had to hold it in, he just had to.

Najimi who was hiding behind a bush was indecisive whether to intervene or not.

Kawai's friend: oh look at him, little baby wants to cry.

Hitohito in his confusion wanted to grab the juice box to throw it back but instead he grabbed a small pebble.

Hitohito: SHUT UP!

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