Chapter 15

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Little girl: come on mister mittens get down.

Somewhere in a public park a little girl was calling her cat who was on top of a tree. She had been trying to get her cat for almost an hour but to no avail.

Little girl: come on please get down.

Guardian: something troubling you missy?

The little girl turned to the person wearing a white costume along with a red cape and a red mask.

Little girl: Guardian! I need your help, mister mittens won't get down.

Guardian: not to worry I'll get your cat.

Guardian grabbed the cat out of the tree and handed gave him to the girl.

Little girl: thank you Guardian, you're the best!

Guardian: no need to thank me little one, I'm always happy to help.

Guardian left the scene flying fast in order to make it in school on time.

Hitohito: (it's about time I arrive on time for a change.)

Najimi: yo Tadano! Looks like you finally arrived on time.

Hitohito: that's right my priority is school so I have to do my best and that includes not being late.

Najimi: I thought your priority was sav-

Hitohito: ahem! As I was saying I need to focus on school.

Najimi: haha okay mister responsible!

Few hours later.

It was the end of class and Shouko wanted to invite Hitohito and Najimi to a maid cafe she saw on the news last night.

Hitohito: a cat cafe? I don't think I ever went to one.

Shouko: [would you guys like to go?]

Najimi: sorry Komi-san but I'm allergic to cats so that's a no go.

Hitohito: I would love to- (wait this might be a chance for her to invite someone else.) Ah sorry Komi-san I just remembered I have other plans.

She felt gloomy about being rejected.

Hitohito: but what if you asked Onemine-san?

Onemine heard her name and walked into the conversation.

Onemine: hey did you guys call me?

Hitohito: perfect timing, Komi-san try to invite her.

When Shouko tried to invite her to the cat cafe her words still couldn't come out, so she opted to go back again with the notebook.

Onemine: sure I'll go with you.

Hitohito: (fantastic!)

Onemine invited Otori to the cat cafe too, Shouko was happy, the more the merrier she thought.

Hitohito went home, he felt bad about lying to Shouko with some made up plans, but at the same time he saw that as an opportunity to help her with her with her communication disorder.

Hitohito: I'm home.

As he entered his home, he expected the rest of his family to greet him, but it seems he was the first one to arrive.

Hitohito: I guess mom, dad, and Hitomi are not here yet. Well I guess I'll take a bath and do my homework.

Before he could do anything he recieved a phone call from his dad.

Hitohito: hey dad did you need something?

Satoshi: Hito thank goodness you've picked up!

Hitohito: dad what's wrong?

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