Chapter 31

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Mike was resting in the hospital bed waiting for his results, luckily the doctors treated his wound in time.

At most he should stay 2 days before he gets discharged.

Mike: not how I wanted to spend the weekend.

Nakanaka: Mike!

Mike: hm?

The door slammed open to show a very tired and concerned Nakanaka.

Mike: oh Nakanaka are you oka-

Nakanaka interrupted Mike's sentence with a hug.

Nakanaka: -sobs- I should be asking you that dummy.

Mike: sorry I made you worry Nakanaka.

Nakanaka: what you did was stupid Mike! You could've died.

Mike: but you're alive, and that's all that matter to me.

Nakanaka: dummy.

Mike: Nakanaka sorry our-

Omoharu: Omoharu.

Mike: eh?

Omoharu: please call me by my first name, Omoharu.

Mike: -nods- Omoharu-san.

Omoharu: -blushing- yes?

Mike: sorry our dinner didn't go as planned.

Omoharu: it's okay, we can always go out again.

Mike: I'll be looking forward to that.

*knock* *knock*

Hitohito: sorry for the intrusion, am I interrupting something?

Mike: Tadano!

Omoharu: Tadano-kun.

Hitohito: Mike, Nakanaka how are you doing? I came as soon as I heard.

Mike: nothing too serious, the doctor said I'll be out in a couple of days.

Hitohito: make sure you get some rest.

Mike: who are you, my brother? Speaking of which where is he?

Hitohito: I didn't see him, probably in another hospital.

Mike: -sighs- that moron always getting himself into trouble.

Omoharu and Hitohito looked at Mike with a deadpan look.

Mike: what?

Omoharu: you are in no position to say that after the stunt you pulled.

Mike: okay I won't do that again.

Omoharu: promise?

Mike: promise.

Omoharu: good, now if you excuse me I have to get home, my parents are worried sick.

Hitohito: sure thing, be safe Nakanaka see you at school.

Omoharu: see you Tadano, Mike take care.

A few minutes later after Nakanaka left the hospital Mike and Hitohito were chatting for a bit about the events of today.

Mike: so how did Boomhead escaped?

Hitohito: he never told me, and I doubt the Red Legion acted alone on this.

Mike: you mean they got help from someone else?

Hitohito: isn't it weird how a dangerous terrorist escaped from a max security prison and we never knew about it until now? I mean who knows how long he was out?

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