Chapter 18

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Guardian was slowly regaining his conscience. He still felt weak by the explosion and could barely move.

He opened his eyes, but he was unfamiliar with the place, he only saw the lamp hanging on the ceiling.

Keiji: hello my alien friend.

Guardian: huh?

Keiji: you sure are a heavy sleeper.

Guardian: what?

Keiji: don't worry, you are safe now.

Guardian: where am I?

Keiji: you're in a special place.

Guardian: what?

Guardian realized that he was handcuffed on both hands and legs.

Guardian: what's going on?

Keiji: now calm down. You have lost your consciousness after the missile attack.

Guardian: (I remember, I thought that was gonna be the end of me.) So what happened after then?

Keiji: well we found you and decided to bring you to our facility.

Guardian: thanks? So that means I can leave now?

Keiji: I'm afraid not, I can't let you go.

Guardian: why not?

Keiji: you'll see.

A bunch of workers came to take away Guardian. He couldn't resist, for some reason he felt that his powers were gone.

He was transferred to another room, a much bigger room.

Guardian: I'll ask you one more time what is this place?

Keiji: you're at Nakamura labs of course. You Guardian are my guest here.

Guardian: do you treat all your guests like that?

Keiji: sorry for taking such drastic measures, but Mr. Nakamura insisted.

Guardian: Naoki Nakamura? What does he want from me?

Keiji pulled a lever and and revealed the spaceship, this surprised Guardian since it was the first time he saw the ship that brought him to this planet.

Keiji: recognize that ship.

Guardian: it's the first time I see it.

Keiji: for many months we have tried to get access to this ship, we've tried everything but it seemed the only way to do that is with the help of the original passenger.

Guardian: and what do you want to do with my ship?

Keiji: that is Mr. Nakamura's bussines, I only want to learn more about your species.

Guardian: I don't know what Nakamura has planned, but I won't give you my ship.

Keiji: well you don't really have a choice do you?

The workers move Guardian closer to the spaceship.

Keiji: well then let's begin.

Keiji freed one of Guardian's hand and lead it to the fingerprint scanner.

The ship read it and recognize it.

Ship: passenger detected.

Keiji: finally. Now sedate our gues.

Facility worker: yes sir.

Ship: initiating protocol..... starting relocation.....

Keiji: relocation?

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