"Look" Sweeney whispers in my ear and I look over to the side of the building and see a skinny figure holding a backpack. He stills, looking straight towards us and my heart jumps for a mere second, before every muscle in my body relaxes and I take a huge sigh of relief.

"Jesus Christ...." I lean forwards, placing a hand on my chest.
Sweeney walks over to him and shakes his hand, while I steady my breathing and calm myself.
I walk over to come face to face with the blonde boy i met earlier.
"Anthony, you gave us a fright" I say and he smiles sheepishly.

"I'm sorry Miss, it was not my intention. I just didn't expect to see you both tonight......why are you here?" He asks, and me and Sweeney share a look.
"Well, uhm....we're both here actually to see you" I say, and he seems surprised.
"Me? I'm quite honoured to hear that. Do you need something? I don't have much, but I can be off assistance" he rambles and I almost laugh, remembering how he would ramble on last time we spoke.

"Turpin. We wish to know where Turpin is." Sweeney speaks up and Anthony's eye shoot open.
"Oh no no sir please. Last time I-he. He's a terrible man sir, even more terrible for having Johanna there" he panics and I feel sorry for the boy. But when he mentioned Johanna's name, I could almost feel Sweeney tense up next to me, and it gives me an idea.

"That's actually why we need to find Turpin" i rush out and place my hand on Sweeneys arm, in attempts to reassure him that I know what I'm doing. Anthony looks at me and I speak before he does, "we wish to help Johanna"

He smiles and nods quickly.
"Oh! Yes yes, of course then. I'll take you right to her" he walks off before he even finished his sentence, he seems really really eager to get her out, and I think Sweeney does too.
Until I look over at him and he has this strange look on his face.

"Sweeney..?" I cautiously ask and he doesn't responds, doesn't look. I just see his jaw tense and I swallow, thinking that in some way I've made him mad by bringing up his daughters name.
But surely this is good. Find Turpin, get Johanna, then kill Turpin and go from there.

"Let's go" I pull his arm gently and he follows, speeding up in the process.
He seems eager now, and that's good. The quicker we find Turpin, the quicker we can end this.

"How much further?" I whine, my feet feeling sore. We've been walking for a while and we should be close as all the houses have gone from poor looking, to expensive looking.
"Right around here. But we must be quiet, people around here don't like people like us lurking around. Especially at this late hour" Anthony responds, creeping around the buildings and peering his head around the corners.

The building here are huge and clean, making the bakery look like a complete shit hole....which technically it is.
Sweeney hasn't spoken at all whilst walking and I've grown quite concerned about that. I wish for him to talk, be more open so that I can understand him better. But then I'd be a hypocrite again.

"Here here" Anthony whispers quickly, ducking beside a house and points over to a large house at the end of the street. A few lights lingers through the shades but not light enough to see anyone. I look around to see if there are any entrances that I could sneak into, but it's hard with how dark it is out here.

"Okay. Okay, can we get closer?" I ask and Anthony just starts shaking his head again.
"Not really, close you can get is by that fence, but even that isn't good enough"
I nod, trying to think. I don't need to get too close, but close enough for me to find a way in. I begin to walk over, making sure not to make a sound, but my shoes don't exactly help.
"Miss" Anthony calls out in a whisper.

I turn to look at him and Sweeney watching me from afar, both with completely different expressions. But I pay no attention, instead I make my way over towards Turpins house and hide behind the fence that Anthony pointed out. I look over and see some of the windows have their lights and some don't, giving me a perspective of where to start.

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