Chapter 24: The Past Still Hurts

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Jane was in her room thinking about her conversation with Bright in the morning. She had cut open her wounds when she narrated everything that happened with Nanon to Bright.

If it was someone else, she probably wouldn't have agreed to narrate, but as this was Bright, she felt like she could open up. That was the first time she spoke about it after she told everything to Ohm when he returned from the US.

There were stains of tears on Jane's face as she hugged the pillow and stared at the wall. She thought it wouldn't hurt to talk about it anymore as it was a long way back, but it hurt just as much.

To be honest, Jane didn't mind the fact Nanon didn't love her. She could bear that. But what broke her was when Nanon left her to bleed on her own when she needed him the most. She was hurt because of her best friend, not because of the crush. She was hurt because at the end of the day, to Nanon, their friendship seemed to be nothing.

She was hurt because Nanon said everything she did to her was because she wanted to and not because he wanted her. She was even more than hurt when it reminded her that maybe all along, ever since they were kids, she might have been only the person who thought of Nanon as her best friend.

And that sucked.

She let out a little sob and then another before it turned out into a whole mess, and she ended up crying. She pressed her face hard on her pillow as if it could stop her from crying.

When she couldn't stop crying, she tried to think of a resort that could avert her mind, and strangely, it led her to Bright.

She had never thought of Bright more than her own brother, even though he was actually not, but today, when Bright said the words,

"Be my girlfriend, and I will stop being aggressive with you."

It did things to Jane's heart. It was like an awakening of the deepest feelings she had for him that was buried deep in her heart. It was like a call to her feelings that she didn't know that existed.

Somehow, the thoughts made her stop crying, and she sat on her bed kicking the pillow away at once.

What the hell.

She screamed in her mind. Now, why was Bright occupying her mind out of nowhere? She did not know. But she didn't feel bad about it. Instead, he felt like kicking the boy, telling him to take responsibility for his words.

She got up from the bed and wiped off her tears. One moment, she was trapped in the past, but now, thanks to Bright, she was more than in the present.

What did he mean by telling her to be his girlfriend? How long has he liked her? How long has he been eyeing her? Was this a recent thing, or has Bright been liking her for a while? If so, since when did he stop thinking of her as a sister? She had so many questions piling up on her head.


She let out a held back, frustrated scream as she ruffled her hair annoyed.

"He better give me answers."

She muttered to herself as she walked to the door and walked out of it, slamming the door behind. She was determined to get answers, and Bright Vachirawit, her eldest brother, no, scratch that, her admirer was now going to face her wrath.

Jane directly went to the bodyguard headquarters of the mansion and went to the bodyguard residences. All the bodyguards who saw the young lady of the house walking casually into their residence stood straight and wondering why.

"Where's P'Bright?"

She asked from the nearest bodyguard, but instead of answering her, the bodyguard bowed to her and politely said,

"Miss. Jane, I don't think it is suitable for you to be here at this late hour. The bodyguards are quite unhinged at this time in here, and it might be disrespectful for you.

That was when Jane looked around. She didn't realize she was lost in her thoughts from morning to night. When she looked at the sky, it was quite dark, and there were a sheet of stars above her head with the moon shining bright.

Good lord.

She thought, and she actually felt embarrassed that she barged into the bodyguard residences late this hour. It wasn't really appropriate. She knew.

"Oh, I didn't realize it got this late."

She honestly told the bodyguard and then asked back politely.

"Could you please tell me where P'Bright is?"

The bodyguard nodded.

"Yes, Miss. He went to meet Jake after checking the training of the bodyguards. It has been about two hours but he hasn't returned yet."

Right. She almost forgot. Bright and the punishment Jake was going to give him.

"Thank you."

Jane simply said before she turned to go, but the bodyguard stopped her and offered.

"Miss, if you don't mind, I will escort you out the residence. It is not that anything bad would happen but the boys..."

"Yeah, I get it. Please do."

Jane said, laughing a little when she saw the bodyguard biting his lips, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

Then they started to walk out of the yard as soon as they could, and once the bodyguard made sure he escorted Jane safely outside, he bowed and left leaving Jane on her own once again.

Jane cupped her face in her hands. That was so embarrassing. How could she go to bodyguard residences late at night just like that? She slapped her forehead and almost laughed, but she stopped when she remembered Bright.

Oh shit.

She cursed in her mind. She could only think what Jake had done to Bright to not make him be able to return for two hours, and she really wished he didn't punish him the whole two hours.

She rushed toward the training rooms at once and for the first time, something, or more like someone was able to get her head away from the past.

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