Chapter 11: Tender Snowdrops

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Ohm prepared to go to the university in the morning. After getting dressed in a light blue shirt tucked under his white denim, he stepped out of his room to the living room to find out that Bright was laying on the couch.

"Good morning, Phi. Didn't sleep last night?"

Ohm asked as he smiled and Bright replied with a yawn.

"You know I don't sleep when you are asleep."

"Hey, no one would kill me in my sleep and there isn't any danger luring around. You can rest a little."

Ohm said as he kept his bag away and walked to the kitchen to pour some milk for Bright. Though Ohm did say Bright can sleep. Ohm knew Bright wouldn't do that. So the least he could do was bring him some milk so he could fall asleep easily.

"You don't have to do that. Who is the bodyguard here?"

Bright chuckled as he sat on the couch when Ohm brought the glass of milk to him.

"No one. You are my brother. I think all of us, me, Jane, my mom and dad have made it clear to you that you are our family and not our bodyguard. You are only one because you insist to be and because you are actually good at it. We can't trust our lives in the hands of a better captain for Elites other than you."

"Alright. Alright."

Bright laughed. He knew very well he was going to piss off his little brother if he spoke more and Bright wasn't sure if Ohm's temper is what he needed after a sleepless night.

"I'll get going then?"

Ohm asked and Bright ruffled his hair gently.

"Be careful."

"I will."

Was all Ohm said before he walked to the door and that was when Bright realized what he had forgotten so far. Nanon.

"Oh, Ohm there is actually something-"

Bright couldn't completed because Ohm opened the door and stared at the side of the wall.

"Is he still there?"

Bright asked, keeping the glass of milk away and walking to the door and Ohm looked at him stupefied. 

"He had been here all night?"

Ohm asked and Bright nodded.

"Yeah, I was supposed to check on him and send him home in the morning. But I forgot."

Bright scratched his head like a kid and Ohm shook his head internally smiling. For someone grown up like Bright, his older brother was adorable sometimes.


Ohm called out, his voice icy and tough but Nanon didn't reply.


Ohm kicked him slightly but all the boy did was whimper.

"Why is his face so red?"

Ohm muttered to himself. the bruises were fine but the redness on his face was not something Ohm thought was natural. He bent down and slightly slapped on Nanon's face but took his hand away immediately. 

Nanon was burning. Like literally. The boy had fever at peak and he was whimpering and letting out little sounds as if he was in pain. Well he technically should be in pain. Ohm thought. He sighed and looked at Bright.

"I'll be inside."

Bright said understanding at once and left Ohm to tend Nanon. Ohm took a deep breath. The idea of going to university was not in his mind anymore. Instead, he put his arms under Nanon and carried him in. When he went to the living room, Bright just looked at him as he sipped the milk and pretended he didn't see anything.

Nanon was still keeping his eyes closed but his hands wrapped around Ohm who was carrying him in bridal style. He buried his face in Ohm's neck and breathed deep.

"It hurts... my head hurts..."

He muttered but Ohm didn't say anything. Instead Nanon could feel Ohm placing him on the bed and caressing his head softly.

"Can you open your eyes?"

That was the gentlest Ohm had spoken to him. Nanon shook his head weakly.

"My eyes hurt."

He heard Ohm sigh. Then he heard Ohm rummage through the drawer and a few minutes later, he raised Nanon's head and brought a glass of water to his lips.

"You've gotta drink this."

He said and Nanon did as he said. Once he was done feeding Nanon the medicine, he lied Nanon on the bed once again and started to unbutton Nanon's shirt.


Nanon shook his head. He didn't want to. He was already feeling the worst and he didn't want to feel exposed as well.

"What? I've already seen everything. You just need to be comfortable."

He heard Ohm huff but Nanon held his hand weakly and pleaded.


Nanon thought Ohm wouldn't listen because when he barely managed to open his eyes, he could see Ohm glaring at him but then the gaze softened and Ohm slowly took his hand away.


He heard the boy mutter and a sense of security flushed over Nanon. At least Ohm was being respectful to his boundaries when he is sick. Nanon couldn't speak more than two words at a time and even those two words required a lot of energy which drained him out. Which may be why... his eyelids fell once again before he fell into a deep slumber. His whole body ached but at least he was safe.


Ohm stared at Nanon who was fast asleep. He never knew he would be thinking this but looking at Nanon at that moment, Ohm felt upset. The boy had a peaceful expression on his face but his whimpers never ceased. It was a sign of the ultimate pain he was in.

Ohm wanted to remove all his clothes and slowly medicate the wounds and give him some after care which he didn't give much out of anger last night but then the boy had insisted not to remove his clothes. 

Ohm huffed.


He heard Bright knock on the door. Why was everyone so annoying?

"Why aren't you asleep?"

Ohm hushed and Bright put his head through the door like jack in the box. 

"I made some sandwiches. Eat when you are done. I'm going to sleep."

The older boy said with caring eyes and Ohm's heart melted.

"Okay, Phi. Have a good rest."

But when Bright kept staring at Nanon and Ohm tsked as if he was annoyed and informed.

"He would be fine. He just have high fever. I won't do anything to him. You can sleep peacefully."

Bright beamed a smile before his head disappeared and Ohm chuckled to himself before he looked at Nanon once again. He kept his thumb in the middle of the two eyebrows just above the nose bridge and caressed there softly so that Nanon's muscles eased and the furrow of his eyebrows disappeared.

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