Chapter 19: True Colors

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A/N - I'm not sure if I will be able to update tomorrow. So I thought of giving this update today as well.


"Hey, do you wanna sit in the bus halt until I bring my car over there? I don't think you can walk all the way to the university parking lot."

Ohm asked Nanon. They had come in Jimmy's car but now that Jimmy had left, they had to walk to the university parking lot which was just a five minute walk from the hospital.

Nanon grunted and nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds better. The sooner we can get this done, the sooner and I can go home and rest." 


Ohm said as he made Nanon sit on the benches at the bus halt and walked alone. Nanon watched until he disappeared and wished that he could get home before his father came home from work because then, the man won't see him and remember him to abuse him more.

Nanon didn't understand why his father liked him being in so much pain but at that moment, he wasn't in the mood to figure it out either. It was likely because the man was an asshole from birth and Nanon didn't want to think about it at all.

But his heart sank when he saw the car of his father pass the bus halt. His immediate reaction was to see if anyone was around because he knew his father wouldn't do anything volatile to him in the public but as it was dark, no one was around. He hoped that the car would just pass without noticing him but his heart thudded against his chest when he saw the car stop at a distance and started to reverse.

Nanon frantically looked for Ohm but the boy was no where to be seen and he instinctively got up from the seat when he saw his father stepping out of the car and walking toward him. 

"Look who is here."

The man scoffed as he walked up to Nanon and slapped him across the face at once. Instinctive tears filled Nanon's eyes. Hew as already in pain and he didn't know how much more pain he could take before breaking down entirely. 

"Are you planning on running away from home? Is that why you are here at a bus halt this late?"


Nanon's voice trembled as he heard what his father has assumed.

"N-no dad. I--"

Another harsh slap across his face made him shut up and Nanon's lips quivered in fear while he could feel his knees going weak. He couldn't think of anything other than running but he knew it would be useless because he couldn't run with his father's bodyguards with all the injuries.

"Get in the car."

The man ordered but Nanon gulped. He couldn't. He just had to hold on until Ohm gets here and then he could escape from this problem at least temporarily. Because if he goes home with this man now, with the assumption he has, he was definitely going to kill Nanon.

"Did you hear what I said, get in the car?"

The man said lowly screaming and Nanon just stood still expecting another slap when he didn't listen but instead his father ordered to his bodyguards.

"Get him in the car."

Three men grabbed Nanon mercilessly while Nanon struggled and one of them kicked Nanon's stomach to stop his from struggling which was right on a bruise and Nanon felt like going to hell was better than all of this. 

When Nanon struggled more, the men pinned him to the ground from his knees and just then his father kicked him right across his face with his leather shoes that blood splattered from Nanon's mouth and just when the man leaned down to punch Nanon, Nanon closed his eyes.

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