Chapter 15: Better Days

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Ohm was on the football field with the teammates of he university football team. He had been taken in by the coach by the previous talents he had shown in his previous university even though he was new to this. 

"Damn, where is Nanon?"

Jimmy cursed under his breath as they waited. Nanon was the captain of the football team and everyone including the coach was waiting for him to come. Ohm was next to Jimmy and seeing how worried the boy was Ohm hushed to him.

"Is something up? You seem worried."

Jimmy looked at him as if he was caught off-guard and then shook his head. 

"No, no nothing's wrong. I'm just scared he will be scolded by the couch or worse, he would have to run laps around the ground."

For someone who liked to see Nanon suffer, Ohm's reaction was quite ironical because his face scrunched up as if he disliked the idea. Just then they could see Nanon walking toward the team and Ohm couldn't help but notice how Nanon limped a little. He was trying to hide it but Nanon's pain was giving him off.

Nanon's eyes met with Jimmy as he came nearer and then he straight up went to the coach.

"Korapat, you are twenty minutes late. Not quite what I expect from the captain."

"I'm sorry coach. I'm just not feeling well. I thought of calling you and telling you about it but then the seasonal matches start day after tomorrow so I thought I would come myself."

The coach's eyes softened as he looked at Nanon concerned.

"You don't look well indeed. Are you limping as well?"

He asked and at that, Ohm looked at Nanon closely. Nanon looked extremely pale and worn out. As if someone beat him up. Nanon was wearing hand guards so Ohm couldn't see the arms properly but he could see that there were red swells all over the exposed parts of the hands and the legs. 

Nanon's eyes met Jimmy and then of Ohm's and Ohm instinctively tilted his head as if asking Nanon what happened. But then Nanon's gaze well and he cleared his throat before replying to the couch. 

"I slipped on the staircase, coach."

Jimmy's eyes widened, getting the clue at once and the boy could feel his blood boiling and insides knotting up  feeling sorry for Nanon. Jimmy hated that father of Nanon and he wished his father was as powerful as that man just so he could save Nanon out of this shit.

"Damn boy, you should have been careful."

"Coach, I also don't think I can play to the seasonal matches either. My body also aches a lot and is bruised all over. I kind of fell hard."

Coach bit his lips, obviously dissatisfied of how things turned out. Not having Nanon for the seasonal matches was going to be a big loss. the boy was the best of them all but to the coach, Nanon's health mattered the most. 

"I get it. Let's talk about this. Join your mates."

The coach said and Nanon nodded apologetically before walking and standing in the middle of Jimmy and Ohm. Both the boy looked at him in worry. Jimmy because he knew it wasn't as simple as Nanon falling down the stairs and Ohm because he could see Nanon was in so much pain.

"Are you all right?"

Jimmy asked and Nanon looked at him and smiled.

"You know I am. I've got this. My only regret is that I wouldn't be able to play."

"Fuck that. I'm not kidding, Nanon. This is serious. Did you even see a doctor?"


Nanon muttered like a child caught eating sugar and this time it was Ohm who reprimanded.

"Are you crazy? What if there is internal bleeding? I'm taking you right away after this session ends."

"And I'm coming along."

Jimmy added and Ohm looked at him and nodded while Nanon felt like a kid in the middle of two parents. For some reason, that feeling was warm. The feeling of being cared and loved felt good. the feeling that someone was worrying over him gave him the hope that he was not alone in the world.

"All right. As you can see, Nanon won't be able to play with you on the upcoming matches which leave us with no captain. I believe as much as I should make the decision, Nanon should be the one to nominate who is going to be the captain. So after the practice session tomorrow, before we go to the match next day, I will be assigning a new captain after talking with Nanon about it. Got it?"

"Yes, coach!" 

The boys chorused and then the coach clapped twice. 

"Great. Then we are goin to start the practices and as you can see we have a new member as well. His name is Ohm Pawat and I know you've heard the name, am I right?"

"Yes coach."

The boys laughed. Though the boys have never been against Ohm's previous university, Ohm was a well-known name amongst the university footballers.  Ohm grinned as he looked at the boys and Nanon and Jimmy chuckled.

"So treat him kindly. He is one of us now. Today's session is of four hours and Nanon you are benched due to your injury."

"Okay, coach." 

Nanon said as he stood beside the coach separating from the other team members. The practice started and the fours hours flew in the blink of an eye. The coach was extra hard on the boys as Nanon was also out of the picture and they lost a talent while Nanon observed everyone from the bench.

He already had two nominees for the place of captain in his head. Jimmy and Ohm. It was going to be a hard choice given he cared about both of the. One was his best friend who was with him through thick and thin and the other was his childhood best friends who despised him now because of his own stupidity. But at the end of the day. Nanon was determined to choose who was the best for the games.

the practice session ended and the coach allowed everyone to go home and specifically told Nanon to have some good rest. Nanon bowed at him and turned to go when Ohm and Jimmy pulled him back from his collar

"Where to do you think you are going?"

Nanon groaned. He hated to go the doctor. The doctor would use burning antiseptic on his bruises and though he could bear his father pushing him down a flight of stairs of beating him up to a pulp, he couldn't, absolutely bear the treatments or any type of injection. 

"Home. Please, I don't want to go to the doctor'."

He pleaded and Jimmy twisted his ear.

"Ah ah. asshole I'm already in pain."

"What's with him?"

Ohm asked confused and Jimmy deadpanned.

"He cries out loud when doctor treats his wounds."

"Hey! I don't cry!"

Nanon complained and Jimmy raised his eyebrow while Ohm broke into a laughter and asked.

"You are still like that?"

Nanon glared at him. The least thing he wanted right now was Ohm to tell Jimmy his embarrassing childhood episodes. 

"What do you mean still?"

Jimmy asked at once and Ohm looked at Nanon's glaring eyes mockingly before saying in a teasing voice.

"He used to scream as a kid too. Do you know he is scared of injections as well? Bro screamed so hard taking a rabies vaccination once that the whole hospital was left shooketh."

"Ohm shut the fuck up! Don't exaggerate!" 

Nanon said laughing himself as his face turned red and then smacked Ohm on the head while Jimmy laughed hard. Soon enough Ohm and Jimmy had their arms wrapped around Nanon's body, helping him to walk as the headed to the doctor. 

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