Chapter 12: Roses With Thorns

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Nanon woke up hours later, still feeling weak but much better. He groaned as he opened his eyes. HIs headache hadn't disappeared yet and it was becoming an agony.


He held his head in his hands and cried. It was awful as if someone was ramming his head against a metal again and again. He looked around to fetch someone's help but no one was around. It was so painful and he was feeling so helpless. His whole world spun and he felt like throwing up but he held back.

He couldn't. Ohm would kill him if he vomits on his bed. Nanon's body trembled just thinking about what would happen. He let out soft cries as he tried to get up and his feet wobbled weakly as he tried to walk.

Standing up only made things worse because he wanted to throw up more and while he walked fast to reach the bathroom despite the pain in his body and between his legs because Ohm literally abused him so much, Nanon tripped his feet and fell on the floor. His head barely survived from hitting the wall and the next thing he knew, he head thrown up all over his body and the floor.


He cursed under his breath and just then, he could hear Ohm rushing in. Nanon looked at the boy in horror who looked at him and had a poker face. He seemed to be pissed.

The moment Ohm took a step forward, Nanon cupped his hands together and begged.

"Ohm, I'm so sorry... please I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was rushing to the bathroom, but... but..."

Nanon couldn't contain the sobs anymore. He was so sacred of everything that was going to happen next. His words got muffled in his tears and he kept begging with cupped hands.

"Please forgive me, na? I will clean this up. I promise. Ohm I-"

But before Nanon could finish Ohm bent down to him and Nanon instinctively closed his eyes expecting a punch and cried. He was sure he couldn't take any more pain.

"I'm sorry, please..."

But Ohm softly shushed him as he placed a finger on his lips and when Nanon opened his eyes in surprised, Ohm looked at him with tender eyes before gently caressing his hair.

"Let's calm down, na?"

Was all Nanon could hear before his head started to spin again and the gurgle formed in his throat to throw up and just when he was about to get up to go the bathroom, Ohm slowly kept his hand on his back and helped him sit. 

"It's already a mess. Just throw up here. I'll clean it later."

Nanon heard the boy say and Nanon threw up everything in his gut. He hadn't eaten since yesterday evening so it was really painful to throw up. Ohm kept rubbing his back and until the throwing up ceased and that was when Nanon saw that Ohm was also kneeling beside him on the mess.

"Hey, you are covered-"

"It's alright."

Ohm said with a smile as he got up and helped Nanon up. Nanon's legs were weak and he could feel his body heating up once again. 

"Can you sit in the bathroom while I clean this so I can wash you up and wash myself?"

Nanon nodded. He was sure Ohm had never been this kind to him even when they were kids. Ohm always went rough on him every time he cried and told him to man up but now that they were here, he was being really gentle. Where was the boy who nearly killed him yesterday? A good question which Nanon didn't know the answer for.

Ohm carefully guided him to the bathroom and made him sit on the floor.

"If you want to throw up again, just do it here. I can always clean up later."

He said before he stood up and went away and minutes later, Ohm showed up once again. HE helped Nanon on his feet and led him to the bathtub. Bathing while having fever was the most not to do thing ever but with the way they were soaked in his vomit, none of them were left with a choice. Ohm removed his clothes while Nanon kept his head on the porcelain of the bathtub and closed his eyes, trying his best to not give throwing up a chance again.

Once Ohm was done with his clothes, he gently undressed Nanon and helped him wash up. Then once he was done washing Nanon, he emptied the bathtub and wrapped the boy in a towel like a large burrito and proceeded to wash himself up. 

Then he guided Nanon out of the bathroom and made him sit on the bed and by that time, Nanon was feeling surprisingly better. He knew his fever was sky rocketing but at least he didn't want to throw up anymore. 

After Ohm jumped into some clothes, he brought Nanon a pair of comfortable boxers and a t-shirt and helped him put the t-shirt first. But before he put on the boxers, Ohm said in the calmest tone ever.

"Lay down on the bed."

Nanon's face struck in horror and Ohm scratched his eyebrow with a sigh. 

"Let me rephrase that. Lay on the bed so I can do what I should have done yesterday."

He said shaking a ointment bottle in front of Nanon's eyes and that was when it dawned to Nanon. Now that he was feeling slightly better, Nanon slowly helped himself to lay on the bed and looked and covered his face from his arm out of embarrassment when Ohm applied ointment on his abused hole. 

"That was your first time bottoming?"

Ohm asked as he finished what he was doing and put on Nanon's boxers and Nanon nodded in silence. He was feeling embarrassed to an extent he wished the ground broke into two and gulped him down. 

"What the hell? Aren't you a playboy?"

Ohm asked ceasing his eyebrows and Nanon bit his lips.

"Oh... you only play around with girls. Talking about being bi, why the hell haven't you tried any guys before?"

Ohm asked once again but Nanon didn't reply. Nanon wanted to scream that Ohm was the one he wanted ever since and he was only playing around to quench his thirst using as a outlet to vent his frustration and pain at the same time because Ohm was not around to be his anchor. But knowing very well saying those things right now will make things worse, Nanon zipped his mouth. 

Nanon was sure Ohm was being kind to him only because he was sick and he wanted it to remain just like that until he healed because he didn't have strength to do anything further or take any pain.

Ohm clicked his tongue when Nanon didn't reply and then walked to the door.

"Just shout my name if you want me around. I was making porridge for you. Be right back."

Though Ohm said that with a nonchalant voice, Nanon knew it was his way of showing care. Ohm had always been like that and he was happy he could see that side even for a brief moment while he was sick. 

Nanon took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he as he inhaled the smell of detergent of the new sheets of the bed. He was glad Ohm changed them because right now it felt so comfortable and clean. Smiling about the fact that someone took care of him when he was sick after almost fifteen years, Nanon pulled the duvet over his head and curled into a ball on the bed. 

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