Chapter 18: Fragile

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After Nanon's scans were done, Ohm and Jimmy were allowed to see him again. The two boys walked up to him and stood beside him on the either side of the hospital bed. 

"The reports are going to take a while. We will medicate the wounds until that. The patient has a lot of bruises and cuts on his body."

The nurse said and Ohm and Jimmy nodded while Nanon's face scrunched up at the medication part. They watched as she got a pair of tongs and a bowl full of cotton along with a surgical bottle and Nanon immediately groaned as he closed his eyes. 

The nurse looked at him confused and Jimmy laughed awkwardly before he explained,

"My friend here doesn't exactly like getting medicated." 


The nurse smiled understandingly and then slowly leaned to Nanon and pulled off his shirt over the head once again. Jimmy and Ohm winced looking at how bruised Nanon's hole body was. There were patches of blood everywhere on his body as if the blood had clotted underneath his skin and his elbows were so ruined that Ohm wondered how they were not dislocated. The nurse pulled the curtain around once again and then told gently,

"Um, we will have to remove your trousers as well. There are bruises on your thighs. Just keep your boxers on."

Legend says that not even a tomato was that red than how Nanon turned red that day and Jimmy and Ohm just stared at him speechlessly before gesturing him to pull down his trousers while Nanon shook his head rapidly.

"Didn't you already remove them for the scans?"

Jimmy hushed to Nanon's ear and Nanon hushed back without letting Ohm hear.

"Well, you and Ohm wasn't there during the scan."

"So you are shy because of us and not because of the nurse?"

Jimmy shouted loudly in shock and Nanon facepalmed while Ohm and the nurse giggled.

"No, not because of you...."

Nanon muttered and Jimmy tilted his head in confusion before it finally dawned to him. He gaped his mouth open before looking alternately between Nanon and Ohm and Ohm gulped as he awkwardly asked, 

"Should I go out?"

"No, stay."

Nanon murmured like a kid and Ohm and Jimmy looked at each other helplessly while the nurse looked at them and said to Nanon,

"Please remove the trouser."

Nanon nodded, red like a beetroot before bending down to pull down the trouser and then groaned when a sharp pain ran down his back. 

"Jim... help."

He whimpered and Jimmy immediately leaned down and pulled down his trouser while Ohm helped in the process.  Both Ohm and Jimmy visibly gasped at the bruises and when the nurse asked Nanon how hard he fell down the stairs to have bruises like tis, Nanon just smiled nervously before looking away not meeting Ohm's eyes. Now Ohm was sure about what was happening but he didn't dare to speak it out loud.

The nurse took out tongs and grabbed a ball of cotton from it before drenching it in surgical, Nanon was already whimpering and Jimmy held his shoulder tightly and squeezed it.

"It won't hurt."

The best friend said but the moment the cotton touched Nanon's bruise on his chest, Nanon let out a little scream before holding Ohm's hand tightly and squeezing his eyes shut. Ohm could feel his insides churning when Nanon screamed in little and even before he knew, he had his arms wrapped around Nanon pulling him closer to him.

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