'I need you to interpret. I don't feel like writing.' Sloan gave me a firm nod and grabbed my hand. I did, however, notice that both Sean and Addi looked at us confused. But neither spoke up and said anything.

"Turner we're going to have to put the pizza on hold until we are done." Turner just nodded and stood there anxiously biting his lower lip. He walked away leaving us, running upstairs to his room. "Follow me," Sloan spoke, taking the lead, and had us all walk to the living room. Cars were still playing in the background, and I had to hide my laugh at how ridiculous it seemed at that moment.

Addi and Sean sat on the opposite couch. And Sloan and I sat together, not before we paused the TV, saving it for later. We all looked at each other awkwardly waiting for the other to start the conversation. But then Sean finally sighed and started. However, I couldn't help but notice just how tense he was.

"Look I--" He cleared his throat, his gaze on the floor as he continued. "I didn't mean to patronize you, dude. I was just teasing, messing around--" I rolled my eyes at that. "I didn't know you had a punishment for using your lycan strength. Especially something that fucking severe."

"I didn't know either Carter, and frankly, I don't know why you do." Addi chimed in and I nodded, waiting for them to continue. Sloan sat beside me his arms crossed, nothing but anger on his face as he stared at my siblings...well technically my niece and nephew.

"I didn't say that for you to fucking leave either. Everyone is worried about you--" I scoffed and rolled my eyes at that. Not believing it for a second. "Just come back, seriously. If you do I'll leave you alone. I--I'll even try to get pops to let up on the punishment."

Sloan moved closer to me, he rested his hand on my leg almost like he was protecting me. His eyes were glowing a low gold, indicating that Loren was there and present. Tatty however remained quiet. Which worried me.

'You think I only left because of you?' I signed, knowing he couldn't understand. Adding to my frustration. I lightly poked Sloan and I gestured for him to explain to them.

"Carter communicates through sign. And seeing as neither of you know how to sign, I will be interpreting for him." I watched in awe as he spoke. Voice deep and filled with warning, that any wrong move and he would attack. I shouldn't find that so attractive.

"Oh, okay, yeah. No problem." Addi said quickly, and when Sean still hadn't said anything she elbowed him and he nodded in response.

(A.N the rest of this time, Sloan will be speaking for Carter, but it will be written like Carter is talking. If that makes sense. But he's not.)

"He said 'Do you really think that the only reason I left was because of you?" Sloan started and I leaned into him. I needed to ground myself and remind myself I was safe. Sloan was here and I was safe.

"I--I mean yeah, I didn't know it to be anything else," Sean said honestly, but I noticed his face go red, just for a moment.

"Have neither of you noticed how our fathers have treated me? Like I was a fucking thorn in their side? Or were you so wrapped up in yourselves?" I felt anger building but I tried my best to keep it a bay.

"Carter, you're being unfair--" Addi spoke up, a bit of anger on her face, and Seans.

"Unfair? How could you possibly say that? I was constantly told that what I was doing was wrong. Constantly yelled at, ignored, and forgotten, and I'm being unfair?"

"Yes! You are! You think you're the only one with shit with our dads?" Addi yelled and I was frozen in place. She was always the more level-headed one out of us. So seeing her yelling...at me, was strange. "You might not see it Carter, and I'm not saying you don't have your shit to deal with. But we don't exactly have a golden relationship either."

Carter's SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now