10; A Poisoning Flower Comes Back.

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[ Heheheh. Drama timeeeee~ Kai's main enemy is now upon him again and oh boy, she'll be a handful, a giant sized handful for that matter. So get ready as you'll have to see her run her fat mouth for multiple chapters onwards. Now brace yourselves, because she'll be very bitchy. This'll happen the day afterwards of last chapter. And yeah, expect this to be going on for a while. And this will have the most Warnings/TWs out of any chapter so far, so read at your own risk. Anyways, let's get it goin! ]

-Crap storytelling
-Some Headcanons nobody will give a shit for
-Implied Tr@nsph0b1a from a certain character
-Mentions of Abus3
-Slur usages (will be censored as best as I can)
-little blood

Let's be rollin'.

*[ Narrator's POV ]*

Kai had woken up, or more accurately Boder had woken him up. Kai lazily sat up, Boder smiling at him, while being in a loose shirt and joggers, "Good morning Kai." "Morning, did...Bowaev like the macarons?" The fox asked, as he went to sleep early before anyone ate the macarons, to which the spider nodded in response, which the fox was secretly pleased about. However, he was taken aback by a question the gem asked through his hologram, "Kai, may I ask, why don't you smile...? I shouldn't be asking you this question now, but I find it odd I haven't seen you even etch a single one, not saying you have to, but I still find it somewhat strange...

The fox sighed, turning away, his ears lowering and his tail wrapping itself around himself. "I guess it's...mainly just for the fact I haven't really found almost anyone that has cared for me enough to where I consider them as people I can truthfully standby and support, without them not doing the same to me back." He looked rather gloomy, not even look Boder in the eye, however, Boder could tell the fox was being very sincere and rather truthful with his words. "I see, and I can get by that. You don't show a very bright side until they prove they can be let in. I can understand, but I admit your guard is very high up y'know? Don't you worry you could unintentionally push people away at times?" Boder's hologram projected.

Kai stared at the ground, unable to shake off the thought that was brought up. He sighed and gripped his left arm with his right hand, being a little somewhat anxious almost, "Ahah... I do at times... though not often for some reason... though if that's how it'll be, I'm fine I suppose...if another person in the world hates me, it's not like I'm not used to it, especially if it's for complete BS they had their own brain believe or it's for frankly not even anything that fucking bad." He sighed, sounding bitter yet almost numb. "Language, but I guess I can see why..." Boder's hologram projected and proclaimed.

Bofo soon came in, waving to the spider and fox, but mainly looked at Kai and then at Boder, before disclosing, "Good morning you both! Now, can I ask you both for a favour? I'm sorry if this is sudden,but can you two please set yourselves out on running some errands for me?" Kai looked a lil surprised but shrugged, "Works with me!" Boder nodded and smiled at the robot, his hologram projecting out, "Me too, so, what do we need to get?" "I want you both to get some short-grain japonica glutinous rice, some red bean, Savoiarda biscuits, and I noticed we're running low on granulated sugar, and I'm planning to make flan at some point for a bit of fun, so if you can, grab a pack, okay?"

Boder and Kai nodded along at the instructions, Boder smiling at the last bit, "Absolutely Bofo! And are you doing because of Kai's knowledge on baking, didn't you?" "Guilty, yes." Bofo chuckled, the fox playfully rolling his eyes, shrugging. "I don't mind you sending us out to get ingredients, mainly because I've introduced you to pastries you've never made or even heard of before. Is that correct...?" The robot nodded, and Kai gave a lil thumbs up, being cool with it. He then stood up, dusting himself off a little before sighing. "I'll go get dressed in a minute, and I'll wait for you if you take longer to get ready."

A Fox In Dilemmas [⚠️: BNB and kinda cringe OC stuff ]Where stories live. Discover now