2; Journey For A Home

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[ NEW CHAPTERRRRR!!! So,this'll take place immediately after the first one...but it's been skipped to during while Bosip and Kai are walking to the Bob Gang's house. And also one thing,there will be a few headcanons in this so,bare with that. ]

-Crappy writing
-Headcanons :,>

Let's gooo.

*[ Narrator's POV ]*

After a while...which was after Kai and Bosip,the first characters that talk in this(other than I,the narrator),they begin on their way to where Bosip's friends were. Now, on the way there, Kai learned quite the big amount about Bosip, but Bosip only got a few scraps worth of details. The shark didn't seem to mind, being kind and respecting Kai's privacy, not asking him much for more info, just in case if it had any topics that would make Kai uncomfortable to speak about.

Kai, despite not sharing much about himself to Bosip, was rather cheery, which, to anyone else who knew Kai as someone they hate, would be very out of character, but Kai would always be nice to those who gave a nice first impression. But he wouldn't tell much of his personal life, especially his past... which he would rather continue to run away from,like he always would . Oh... *Cough cough* ...sorry for that. I must've let it slip. Apologies. Anyways, back to the story.

Bosip on the other hand, was rather happy to have someone to talk to as they walked back to the place he lived house. He seemed to look a little bit sad at certain points, but he gave a smile to the fox when he took notice. He probably was dealing with a bit of his own problems in his head. He eventually got lost in his thoughts at one point actually, and looked rather miserable, not even being able to hear what Kai was even trying to tell him. He was stuck in his head, which was bugging at him about something... but then was snapped back to reality as he felt himself being pulled.

Kai had pulled Bosip back, who had just walked into the middle of a crossing, and didn't see a car coming. The fox, who's hair was flat and soaked, had to shakily but also slightly roughly pull Bosip back to the side walk. Bosip, who was panicked and completely confused, breathed rather quickly, looking around in a slight panic. After a few moments, the shark took a couple deep breaths, pulling his rain coat hood back up. He shivered a little, as his hair was still soaking wet, and the cold waters dripping down the back of his neck made him shiver.

"Uh Bosip..." The shark flinched a bit and looked at Kai, "Y-Yeah...?" "You seemed to be mindlessly walking for some reason...where do we go?" Bosip gave a guilty look, sighing. Bosip ended up pulling out his phone, Kai having his arm over it so raindrops didn't get on it. After Bosip got onto a little navigation app, he managed to get the directions on where to walk to in order to get to his and his friend's house. Kai sighed, being only a bit impatient, considering Bosip did waste time being lost in his thoughts, however never outwardly or rudely held it against him, probably to not make the shark feel like shit.

The journey to get to the house took a slight while, as Bosip and Kai kept taking wrong turns and nearly got run over by cars at some crossings, but soon, they finally got to the right destination; the house where Bosip lived. It was rather big, despite being only two storeys, it was pretty big. Kai widened his eyes, surprised at the size of the house, but also was eager to get inside. Bosip gave a small smile, soon going up to the door, standing at it. Kai was distracted by the sheer scale of the house, but then caught Bosip's eyes and went up to him and near the door.

Bosip had a smile as he looked at the fox,who looked back a bit confused. "We're finally here. Are you ready to go in?" The yellow shark man asked,and Kai,a man who was using this as an opportunity to get away from the life he had been stuck with for years,nodded hastily,but didn't give a smile,but gave a rather calm look despite that. Bosip smiled,and opened the door...and light was what Kai saw,literally and metaphorically. The fox soon gave a bow like a thank you to the yellow haired boy,and walked in. And at last,he was here; where he planned to turn his life around for the better.

He finally was where he'd be feeling at least a bit at peace. And with new people to meet,maybe he'll be someone almost completely different if his harpy ass 'friends' try and find him again.

[ Man...it's been over a month. Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't updated this for a while, school steamrolled my ass for a while that I was too stuck to try and go back to this. From where I am,funnily enough it's been 2 days since Kai's birthday(yes he has a birthday,on August 14th). You don't need to do anything,I don't mind if you do nor don't. Also,remember at the epilogue of the last chapter where I said Kai will meet the Bob gang and settle in,well considering that,yeah that was kinda a lie. I wanted to,I really did,don't get me wrong! However I don't want you guys waiting any longer,so I rushed this,and the rest of the BNB gang will be in the next chapter. Alright! Enough of my lil author pep talk,see you later! ]

A Fox In Dilemmas [⚠️: BNB and kinda cringe OC stuff ]Where stories live. Discover now