6; Much needed outburst...

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[ Continuation of last chapter. And Kai's going to let off some steam...or...should I say flames. Yeah...there'll be a bit of fire in this chapter, and lil bit of violence possibly.. ]

-Crappy writing
-lil bit of potential violence (if you don't like it)

Let's be rollin'.

* [ Bobot's POV ] *

I blinked, I don't want to believe my eyes, as I shakily crouched down, wanting to reach out a hand to this fox...but he scooted away into the corner, and I back away, noticing that the splotch was getting closer to consuming him. However, in hindsight,I should've tried to comfort him still instead of backing off, because the darkness of that splotch almost completely consumed his face. I backed away even more, noticing Kai's skin and then very soon, his entire body was consumed by black, before I heard the sounds of trickling flares... and I widened my eyes at the next thing I saw. Kai's ponytail had stuck up...but also danced almost in the patterns of flames, almost his whole body was completely black (like the actual colour), having black feathered wings, having even more tails, like a Japanese kitsune, his ears now full of black tar and his eyes seemed full of fury than anything else...

but also danced almost in the patterns of flames, almost his whole body was completely black (like the actual colour), having black feathered wings, having even more tails, like a Japanese kitsune, his ears now full of black tar and his eyes seeme...

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I backed away, Kai staring at me, I sighed, and thought to myself, 'I might have to fight him...I-I don't want to, but I don't have a choice so...whatever- damn it.' So I move my hand to my ear, where I tap one of my ear piercings in a very specific way, and almost like iron man (who is what I basically turn into, just mostly yellow with some blue), I get into my main suit of armour. I took a deep breath, and as my blue visor covered my eyes, the second I could see, Kai almost shot a fireball at me, which I just barely dodged. I rushed down the hall, hearing the angry almost roaring-kind of yelling behind me.

I rushed past Bofo as he was looking around for Kai, while holding a plate with a stack of pancakes. I had no choice but to basically rush outside and lead Kai into the backyard so I could deal with him, without potentially destroy the ground floor of the house. This was something that would definitely cause some definite damage to myself, however, I know it has to be done, because other options would be worse. And I don't want our house to be destroyed because of a newcomer that the piss shark brought in...and thus, here I go..


After a long time, what felt like a dreadful hour, I was keeping my balance on one knee, weakly holding my head with one of my hands, feeling the warm blood dripping down my head on onto the ground and soon being small splotches in the bright green grass, along with small yet broken bits of my suit and the visor attached to my suit over my eyes... I had burns on my face as Kai, in his fucking cursed rage managed to give a horrific blow to it, which also damaged my suit a bit, not just the entire head. I could hear him growling, almost hungrily, like a hungry wolf... I could hear up his footsteps. I tried to escape using my suit, but unfortunately...it had no power left... but I understood, it was damaged severely...

I back away weakly as I looked up at Kai, but my vision was a lil blurrier, as I was getting definitely weaker...fucking god damn it, but I don't know whether to blame Kai or myself, the one who insisted on taking the fox on himself. I then heard the voices of the other Bob gang, soon beginning to approach the backyard. I couldn't see well as my vision was still and soon was getting more blurry, so I wasn't able to know if they were on the scene. However, I surprisingly heard someone almost hitting something, and then soon some grunts of pain...almost as if they were hitting themselves.

I could tell it was probably Kai, as I hadn't gotten fully used to his voice, and I was used to everyone else's...how you wouldn't think I don't is very interesting, but stupid. I then faintly heard Bobal yelling at Kai...but then I could tell that there was a sound of a scream or...even a somewhat..roar. I soon passed out, blood dripping from my head...and I don't know what happened to Kai afterwards, but...judging from his behaviour from before... he...definitely needed at least an outlet to vent his mental stuff, even though I probably never will.

[ Writer's block go brrrr- ]

A Fox In Dilemmas [⚠️: BNB and kinda cringe OC stuff ]Where stories live. Discover now