Galactic Phalanx and it's fleet composition

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Since I have a name for my space armada in my multiversal fanfiction story, I would call it the "Galactic Phalanx".

I will try to make a lore about the Galactic Phalanx itself and the story behind it throughout the course of my multiversal fanfiction story.

However, I'll show you the ships of the Galactic Phalanx with the initial fleet composition when it goes after the prologue chapter of this story when it's published in the future. And it will have more ships to be added in my Galactic Phalanx overtime throughout the future chapters of the story.

Here's the initial fleet composition for me for the upcoming first chapter of this story after the prologue chapter:

Here's the initial fleet composition for me for the upcoming first chapter of this story after the prologue chapter:

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Aegis Class Star Dreadnought (Anti-Starfighter/Supercarrier Version of the Executor SSD) x2

Length: 19,000 meters
Width: 4,750 meters
Height/Depth: 750 meters
Hyperdrive Range: 1 Million Light Years
Hyperdrive System: Hyperspace tracker (1) and T-17 hyperdrive generator (4)
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 0.5 (Primary), Class 1.5 (Backup)
Engine Units: Dark Matter Engines (13)
Power Plant: Dark Matter Stellar Reactors (10) and Quad Core Sun Reactors (40)
Shielding: Reinforced Deflector Shield (12) and Resurgent-type deflector shield generator domes (44)
Hull Armor: Hypertitanium, coated with Durasteel, Quadranium, Quantum-Crystalline, Lonsdaleite, Osmium microalloys and nanosphere silica reinforced with layers of stabilized neutronium
Targeting Systems: beam targeting array
Navigation System: Navicomputer
Communication System: Hyperwave comm scanner, Ultra-frequency laserwave link and HoloNet Transceiver
Point Defense System: Point-Defense laser system
Sensor System: Long-range scan-mode sensor array
Armament: 900 Triple Cannon Megamaser (fire linked in 18 Groups of 50), 75,000 Point Defense Laser Cannons, 25,000 Point Defense Quad Concussion Missile Emplacements, 12,000 Point Defense Quad Turbolaser Cannons (the ones that they used from Lucrehulk Class Battleship), 2,500 Dual Barreled Heavy Ion Cannons, 2,000 Quad-Launched Heavy Baradium Missiles, 3,000 Quadruple Barreled Heavy Flak Cannons and 6,000 Twin Barreled Heavy Flak Cannons
Countermeasures: Cloaking Device, Chaff, Flare, Vanish 2 Military Sensor Masking System, Silencer Comm Jammer, Signal-augmented sensor jammer, Sonic jammer, Holodisruptor, False energy signature projector, Sensor shroud, Particle-emitter, Shield-disrupting projector, Dedicated energy receptor projector, Anti-ion emission tracer, Antiplasma charge and Stage Three torpedo
Escape Craft: Squad Pod (2,000) and Respite-8 escape pod (2,000)
Hangar Bays: 48 smaller ones (24 for each side) and 2 large ones (on ventral side - 1 front center and 1 rear center)
Complement: StealthX X-wing starfighter (5,000), TIE Silencer (5,000), TIE Defender (5,000), B-wing Heavy Assault Starfighter (5,000), Vulture-class droid starfighter (60,000 and all of them are modified with deflecting shields and hyperdrives), Hyena-class Droid Bombers (60,000 and all of them are modified with deflecting shields and hyperdrives) and Megamaser Tank (12,000)

5 (Backup)Engine Units: Dark Matter Engines (13)Power Plant: Dark Matter Stellar Reactors (10) and Quad Core Sun Reactors (40)Shielding: Reinforced Deflector Shield (12) and Resurgent-type deflector shield generator domes (44)Hull Armor: Hypertita...

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