Star Wars' Starships for Genshin Impact Characters

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I forgot to tell you guys, I have been a fan of the Star Wars universe since my childhood when my family and I watched the original trilogy of Star Wars, which it was A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi as we know the characters that we love in the events of the Galactic Civil War period, such as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, R2-D2, C-3PO and Darth Vader.

This also includes the famous starships of the Galactic Civil War period, such as the Millennium Falcon, X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, B-wings, Mon Calamari Cruisers like MC80, Nebulon-Bs, CR90s, the Death Stars, Imperial Star Destroyers, TIE Fighters, AT-ST walkers, AT-AT walkers and the Executor Class Super Star Destroyers.

Besides, I've been playing the Star Wars The Old Republic since my 22nd birthday and I joined the Sith Empire faction as my first playthrough with my Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer Human OC named Darth Brynrewn (which is currently at level 23), along with my Sith Warrior/Assassin Zabrak OC named Darth Xastus (which is currently at level 17). For my reason why I joined the Sith Empire faction in Star Wars The Old Republic, because I've been drawn to the starships that I love the most in terms of the designs, such as the Harrower Class Dreadnought, Terminus Class Destroyer, Gage Class Transport and Fury Class Interceptor.

Speaking of Harrower Class Dreadnought, this is the ship that I love the most since it has many options to refit or modernize it into our liking and it has 127 starfighters (95 fighters and 32 bombers), 35 shuttles and 7,300 troops, despite the size of this ship was 50% smaller than Imperial Star Destroyer.

Anyways, I have a question about the starships from Star Wars. What do you guys need the starships for Genshin Impact Characters in my multiversal fanfiction story?

Let me know in the comments which starships of Star Wars from each respective eras (Like from the Legends and Canon - Old Republic, Clone Wars, First Galactic Civil War, Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Empire Series, Yuuzhan Vong War, Sequel Trilogy from Disney (only the starships like Xyston Class Star Destroyer, Mega Star Destroyer like the Supremacy, Resurgent Class Star Destroyer, MC85, MC95s and T-70 and T-85 X-wing models), Second Galactic Civil War and Legacy) for Genshin Impact Characters to be their favorite, so I have to make the fleets for them in this story.

Of course, here's the characters on the list that they need to recommend for the starships from the Star Wars universe if they are the part of my own space armada in my story:

-Fischl and Oz
-Hu Tao
-Yun Jin
-Kamisato Ayaka
-Kamisato Ayato
-Raiden Shogun/Ei
-Arataki Itto
-Kujou Sara
-Kuki Shinobu
-Yae Miko

I hope you guys came up with your ideas for these characters from Genshin Impact in the comments down below to see which starships from Star Wars for each respective era is fit for them.

Author is out!

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