Chapter 13: Why Can't You Just Leave Me Alone?

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Hannah's POV

"Wow, that's a lot," I mumble as Jonathan's hand tightens around mine under the table.

I gently move his hand off mine and wrap my hands around my glass to distract myself. "So Mom, I also have a dad and a brother. Looks like I got the family I wanted after all, huh?" I reply sarcastically as I drain the liquid out of my glass.

"Honey, I'm sorry you don't remember anything. I'm just so glad you're back," my mom murmurs as my newfound father holds her tightly.

"I'm back at what cost? You all love and behold your precious Hannah. Your Hannah, who was trying to save the world and everybody in it. She's dead. The sooner you make peace with that, the sooner I can move on and figure out who I am now," I glare at my mom with an anger I can't control. I watch her shake with fear and bury her head in my father's chest.

"You're giving your mother quite the scare with your demon eyes. They don't look good on you, my love," Mr. Morningstar announces as he walks into the room.

"Mr. Morningstar. So I heard not only did I kiss you, but I fell in love with both of your sons? Tell me, this Hannah you love so much, how could you watch that happen as you so clearly seem to be attracted to me as well? This Hannah you all seem to love, clearly twisted with all of your heads, believing in soul mates and fairy tale endings, where the good guys always win, and the prince gets the girl. Tell me, how did that work out for her?"

"She's standing in front of me thinking she can scare the Devil," he glares.

"Hmmm, I thought you were smarter than that," I spit out.

"What's gotten into you, Hannah?" Michael asks incredulously.

"Oh, Dad," I chuckle darkly. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that. It's a foreign word in my vocabulary. Where is your son anyway? I thought I was supposed to have a brother or something," I question nonchalantly while eyeing the bottle of scotch.

I grab it and pour myself another hefty glass. "No? What about his girlfriend, who's knocked up? Oh yay, I'm going to be an auntie!" I laugh aloud, nearly spilling the bottle in the process.

"Enough!" Eli yells, walking into the dining hall. "If you don't kill her, I will. Hannah would never want this," Eli threatens, holding what looks to be a fireball in his hand.

"Oh no, I'm so scared. Haven't I already died, though? So I mean, really, what's the point. I'll just come back again," I throw my hands into the air in a "what are you going to do" kind of way.

I close my eyes, and when I open them again, I stand next to Eli. "Hey, that fire thing you got going on. Teach me how to do that, yeah?"

"She really can alter time," someone gasps as they walk into the room.

"Oh, goodie, you must be my brother. So glad of you to join the party," I hum when suddenly I'm thrashed into the wall.

I laugh hysterically as Jonathan storms to me, examining me from head to toe. "Her demon energy is tainting her other energy. I don't know how, but it's similar to Eli's right after they came back from Hell, except for Eli's healed itself."

"Is it because she's still missing parts of her soul?" Eli asks curiously as I struggle against Jonathan's hold.

"Possibly, if only I knew how to make the stupid antidote my mother had made for you that you so selfishly turned down for Willow," Jonathan glares at Eli.

"If I was to have known this was going to happen, I obviously wouldn't have done it!" Eli yells.

While they're in the midst of arguing, I slightly flick my wrist, and my drink floats to me. I take a sip as Lucifer chuckles. "What, this is too much for me. Can't a girl want to drink?"

"How did you do that?" Jonathan asks, bewildered.

"Do what? I could get out of your hold right now. Don't believe me?" I close my eyes and open them to my mother and father sitting across from me at the table.

"Jonathan, make whatever potion or spell to reduce the demon energy in her, and make it fast. I'm going to torture her in the meantime," Lucifer growls in a threatening tone as I watch his firey eyes turn black.

"Oh shit," I whisper as I close my eyes to blink myself out of here.

"You're not going anywhere!" Eli yells as he reaches his hand out and moves me across the room. He has me frozen, standing in the middle of the room as a firey circle surrounds me, trapping me inside.

"Go, Jonathan, now!" Eli yells as his golden eyes flicker back to me.

"Try being in Hell for millions of years. Why else do you think Satan can end the world? You think your demon tricks can fool us."

"Fool you into thinking what? I told you your Hannah is dead, and you didn't want to believe me!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Eli walks towards the firey circle as he looks me up and down. "That's because Purgatory is worse than Hell, isn't it, Hannah?"

Lucifer cocks his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I've been to Hell and inside Hannah's head while she was in Purgatory. I'd choose Hell over Purgatory any day, minus the whole being tortured on, obviously," Eli smirks sheepishly at Lucifer.

"I don't see where you're going with this, son," Lucifer glares at Eli impatiently.

"What did you say earlier about Purgatory, not my Hannah?" Eli smirks as I glare at the two men in front of me. "Ah, I remember. You've got to embrace the darkness, to appreciate the light."

I scream as all my anger and fear reaches the surface.

"I didn't think you had it in you to torture Hannah, but it's working. She really said that?" Lucifer asks with a confused look on his face.

Eli nods as he raises his hands, stoking the fire higher. "She's punishing herself. She's hiding behind her darkness because she's scared of what she'll remember. I don't know if the darkness in her thinks it's helping or not, but hiding behind it will destroy her. That darkness she harbors was once mine. It's ugly and unfathomable. I wanted her to kill me because I couldn't bear it any longer. I begged you to kill me, Hannah!" Eli yells.

I scream and fall to the floor. My energy is drained. I watch the lights flicker in the room. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

"I've always viewed the world as black and white, but with you, I see color," Eli mumbles as I lay on the floor, drained of life. Eli sits on the floor in front of the fire, watching me.

"Why does this look like an exorcist?" Chaim asks Eli.

"Because it kind of is. We have to show her the light that she gave to all of us. After six months, she made it out of Purgatory to us. Now it's our job to help her see the light again," Eli replies thoughtfully.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I cry.

"Because you made me promise to never stop fighting for us," he replies sympathetically.

I reach my hand through the scorching fire which burns me. "Under loves heavy burden do I sink," I whisper as I feel his hand latch onto mine. I close my eyes and hope for peace.

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