Chapter 3: Say Cheese!

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Jonathan's POV

After drinking a hefty glass of Hendrick's and getting Eli up to date with the world that still kept living while he was in Hell, I pour myself another glass.

"So, any questions, kid?"

"Yeah, you plan on getting drunk because Hannah's gone? Doesn't seem like the right thing to do, and it tastes gross anyway," Eli mutters.

Jayce, Willow, and I all laugh at Eli's oblivious comment. "What's so funny?"

Willow explains, "It's hard for wolves to get drunk, but not impossible. Our metabolism works much faster than a human."

"And Hannah wouldn't have it any other way. Always drinking before and during our meetings," Jayce chuckles. "My dad likes whiskey, and when Hannah became Alpha, she took over this cabin. Her first day here, she found a bottle of Jack, and it was her go-to ever since."

"I had her try my gin, but she still preferred the dark shit," Jonathan chuckles. "Here, try it." I pour him a glass and watch his eyes light up with confusion.

"Why are you being nice to me now? Didn't seem to mind when you were playing house with Hannah," he mutters as he sips the gin.

"Jack really does taste like shit, but I drank it because Hannah loved it. Not my fault she doesn't know what quality liquor tastes like," I mutter as I plop back down in my chair. "I understand she loves you. I shared a head with her as well, not just you two kids. She's got a heart bigger than this world, and I love her more because of it. You are no threat to me, but I envy the fact you were the last one alive with her. But now, I hate my mother even more for doing this to her, whether it was fated to happen or not. I'll kill her my damn self."

"Jonathan -"

"I'm serious, Lucifer. I don't care if Hannah and my mother had an understanding. I don't care that they were bonding over me. My mother has no right to worry about me. Haven't seen her in almost fifteen years when she told you I could hang out with the Newtons, and look where that got me."

"Fine. I'm assuming we'll have a service for Hannah with the wolves and angels after we discuss more business with the angels. It took every last bit of energy fending off her parents last night, but since she was Alpha to the wolves, I used that as an excuse for why you had her here," Lucifer scolds.

"Yes and no," I mumble, confused.

Lucifer's eyes darken as he leans forward. "What do you mean?"

"I knew something was wrong because I felt part of her soul disappear, but not all of it. I don't know what that means, and I honestly don't want to get my hopes up, but I figured Ruth would have better insight than us on it."

"That makes sense. There's no heartbeat, but she's still warm. We would have smelled her decaying if she was dead," Jayce whispers.

"How is that even possible?" Willow asks incredulously.

"I don't know. How is it even possible that you're alive? I thought she-wolves and your special bloodlines were damn near extinct," I reply dryly.

"Yes, most of us were killed off, but if you hide well enough, you can almost live a full life. I don't know how those vampires found me, but I knew they were different. Come to find out, they were all jacked up on demon blood," she sighs as she pours another drink. "I just hope my sister and brother escaped that attack. There are still more of our bloodlines out there. We came across a few on our travels. But we had to be rogues. We had no other choice."

"There's more of you?" Jayce asks wide-eyed.

"Yes," she giggles. "And if this place is a sanctuary, then I hope they find their way here. I knew Hannah was different, and I could sense you were too, Jonathan. I really hope you do something to save Hannah. I owe her my life."

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