(Just an A/N)

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First, thanks to everyone for reading!

It really makes me happy to watch the views go up, slowly, but slow progress is still progress!

Second, I wanted to do a few quotes from one of my personal favorite- I don't know what they are called?-  Poem writers/authors? She also writes, and is an artist! 

Thank you for 65 views!

"There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?"
― Erin Hanson

(I'm pretty sure everyone has read that one before)

"Who says paper worlds
Are an escape from what is real?
As though the lives trapped in their binding
Are not ones that make you feel.
For sometimes our greatest lessons
Come from those with ink for skin,
Who reach beyond the page
To take our hand and pull us in."
― Erin Hanson

(I love this one, writing does give you real emotions, it's quite inspiring! At least for me) 

"If I could tell you only one thing. My message would be this: The world would be a lonely place if you did not exist."

(Stay safe people! You're worth it :)

"The irony of life
Is our greatest fear is to forget,
Yet it's the only certain fate
That anything has ever met.
We know one day our earth
Will find itself victim to time,
That nothing will be left
To tell of your story or mine,
And still through life we rush
Scrambling for something to remember,
Perish the thought that ash be ash
And not the memory of an ember."
― Erin Hanson


Thanks for reading! Credit for the quotes ERIN HANSON!

Have a great day / night people!!

Xx Abigail

Only A WishWritten by: Udon T.E. And Abigail K.T.Where stories live. Discover now