I didn't reply to that, God. Why am I so nervous?

It's just a kiss, Ava. Get it together.


We were walking on the grass barefoot for a while as a very awkward silence washed over us, and just when I couldn't hold on to it and was about to tell him to let's go back, he asked, "Did you regret it?"

"What?" I was surprised by his question.

"The kiss, did you?" He stopped and turned towards me, his eyes roaming my face, looking for the truth. He's so tall, and without my heels, my head is just above his chin.

"No" I said. Whatever it is, I will never regret it. How could I? That's was the best kiss I ever shared.

"Good" His self-satisfied smirk is back in place as I stare at him.

What the fuck? Good, as in, just good.

I mean, he could at least say-

"Would you like to go on a date with me, Ava?" He asked very softly, and all of a sudden I took a pause before.

"Wh.. what? I mean, why?" I'm still not sure. A Date! A real date. WHY?

"Because I like you and I know you like me too, I wanted to give it a try between us."

I can only stare at him blinking; I was stunned. He takes a step close to me, holds my hand, brings it to his lips, gently leaves a kiss on my knuckles, and said, "Will you give me a chance to make you as happy as you make me?"

He looked at me as if his life depended on my answer. Do I make him happy? But when and how? Surely, I'm too difficult to handle. I heard enough from Luv-Kush.

"He's too good for you; you don't deserve him." My inner voice commented.

And just like that, my fear for a future with him surfaces. He will never like me if he knows who I am. He's a prince made for a princess, not someone like me. A monster. But a very selfish part of myself, a new part of myself I never knew existed, was... happy? She wants what he has offered. His care, his admiration, his respect, his love.

His face fell when I didn't respond, and he pulled out his hand from mine and took a step back, facing the ground. I instantly miss his warmth.

"Yes" I said loudly and clearly. His eyes flew to mine upon hearing my answer as a gorgeous smile made its way to his beautiful face.

"What? Did you just agree?" He said as light shines in his eyes, grinning at me.

"Yes, did you develop any hearing issues?" I tease him with a small smile.

He laughed and pulled me in for a hug. I smiled against his chest as he said, "God, I can't believe it."

"Do you want to me to scream it loudly for you?" I tease him again.

He chuckled and rested his chin on my head and said, "I guess even if you do, it still would feel like a dream."

I laughed and hugged him back. God, this feels so good and so right.

Why, God, why?

Why does he have to be a Singhania? Why couldn't he be just him? Why he has to be related-

"I could get used to this. You in my arms. This feels so good." He sighs happily.

Yes, so right, yet so wrong. God, what I'm going to do now? Why is everything so messed up? Why do I have to have these feelings for him? Why does he have to have feelings for me?

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