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LOVE. This four letter word can bring heaven and hell both to your door.
Love is in many forms, be it in the form of your brother or your sister,your parents.

They say ' love is pure and true'.

True? You guys tell me if it is?

BUT. Is love pure? Yes MAYBE it is. Because, it can be a facade too.
Nowadays, we see many love failures. Not that there's no success in love. There are, many. But.

There are many sucidial attempts, acid being thrown on women. Even there are many rape cases. Why, just because they didn't accept your love, in the name of LOVE there is only torture-that people are nowadays in relationship are suffering from.

LOVE isn't just a word. It's an emotion that can be felt only when your heart is pure. When you truly crave for it. But, people never find true love. Because people never go searching for love. Love, it come's to us if we are worth being loved.

We need to wait. We shouldn't think that if we didn't get love than we are not worth loving. Everything needs time. Even this beautiful EARTH took millions of years to get into life-and now this EARTH has been home for million and trillions of animals and birds.


I would tell you. The most purest form of love is your mother's love. Nothing in the world can beat it. Love is not mother, mother is love. There can be many fake love's. But you will never find a mother's love fake.
She can do anything for her children just like our earth. She has given us many resources to make our life comfortable.

It's not about blood, not only because she has kept us in her womb for nine months. It's because we are her children and she our mother. It's between heart, the connection between heart. This mother-child relationship is the best in this whole universe. But not all are lucky to get that love. To get a mother.

Everyone in the world are selfish.

..........selfish when it come's to themselves.


'A mother is the most selfish person when it comes to her child'


"Everything is ready as per your orders mam", a 5'11 tall man wearing a white shirt and a tight jeans said mockingly. He forwarded a piece of paper. "tickets". The person sitting on her bed gave a look to him and took the tickets from his hand. "This is to borivali to jodhpur it will take approximately 15 hours to reach there by train."he said sitting beside her. He kept his hand on her left cheek."be careful."

"Be careful okay! I know you can... But. As a brother iam worried for my sister and my nephew". "Ishu" she looked up at him when he called her to see love, care, affection, and worry in his eyes. Her eyes soften at him.her brother. Kabir. That's what a brother is right. He maybe annoying, troublemaker, jocker but only a brother's love is greater after her parents. A women trusts her brother the most after her parents.

"If u want u can clear this mess in a flick but... I don't know why are u silent..... But I trust you. Whatever reason you have I know it's for your son. For his safety." he looked at a boy of 5 sleeping soundly clutching her mother's dupatta with his hands as if his life depend on it. He smiled at the toddler.

Isha was just seeing her brother thinking how lucky she is to get this jocker of a brother. "I love you jocker." He chuckled at her shaking his head. "Same. Same." He said. She frowned than narrowed her eyes at her brother. Isha carefully removed her dupatta since Ishaan was clutching it. Keeping it carefully, she threw herself at her jocker, he caught her before both of them could end up on the floor.

A PURE LOVE Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin