6/ The Beach Party

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Win's POV

"We flirted. But I don't know whether it's considered flirting because I haven't flirted with someone in a long time. He said my smile was nice, and I said he should make me smile then. Then- then, he asked me if he was handsome to me, and I said he was okay. And he said I was okay too! We flirted!!! Right?!" I ask her in one breath.

"Calm down. And yes, you flirted," she says with a stifled smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"You are the same person who scolded me and asked to keep Bright away from you. Dude. You like him. Admit it already-"

"I do! I do like him a lot, and those feelings are growing every single time I see him!" I exclaim.

"I understand."

"No, you don't." I shake my head.

"I do. Because every morning when I see Film, my heart does a flip, and it simply makes my day. I am afraid she might have someone, or she'll fall for someone else, and I won't see her smile one day." she says.

"I am sorry."

"What? Why?"

"I haven't considered your feelings for all this time but only considered mine. I never asked you if you wanted to try dating Film. Do you?" I ask.

"Aww. It's fine. I am just like you. I try to match Bright with you. I do want to be with Film, but it's impossible, right? She's the receptionist, so I don't even know if she's trustworthy." she says.

"Why don't you get to know her first?" I ask.

"Is it a good idea? My feelings might escalate," she says with an unsatisfied expression.

"You literally sent me to an illegal nightclub to have a night with Bright. So you should do something irresponsible like that too." I say.

"If you say so... I'll ask her to accompany me for a business meeting or a trip. I'll keep it official, alright?" she asks.



It doesn't end officially.

"I kissed her," she says the following week.

"Oh. When she was drunk or blindfolded or when she was sleeping or when she could not see you, right?" I ask.

"No. I confessed and kissed her in my vehicle before dropping her off," she reveals.

"Um.. what?"

Love sits on the sofa and buries her face in her knees, "I am so sorry." I can sense her starting to cry. "It happened all of a sudden. When she said she was single and- and that she was confused about her identity. I said I was, too and that I think I have a crush on her. Please don't scold me."

I sit next to her and pull her into a hug. I don't reply as I don't know what to say.

"I am sorry I-"

"It's okay... What was her reaction?" I ask.

She wipes her tears and looks at me, "Blush."

"That's a step ahead. Meet her occasionally and-"

"Win. What is wrong with you?" she asks.

"What? What is wrong with me?"

"You should ask me to stay away from her and to end this whole thing."

"I wish I could say that to you..." I trail off.


I silently lie on the bed, wishing Love had never brought Bright into my life and that Film had never worked as a receptionist in Love's company. Things became complicated ever since they barged themselves into our lives. Why at the same time? Why not at two different times so we could remove them from our lives one by one?

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