1/ Love At First Sight

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Win's POV

The morning in the penthouse has always been really silent. Except for this buzzing sound of my phone ringing from time to time, there's nothing that will pull us out of our sleep.

The temperature is perfect for another hour of sleep, but I have always been a morning person. Late mornings will probably ruin my day. That's a totally different characteristic from the person who's sleeping next to me, my wife, Love, whom I've been with for the past seven years and who's also the future successor of LIA company.

I put my arm around her neck in an attempt to wake her up. She groans and tries to push me away, but there's no use.

"Don't choke me early in the morning. I am not a morning person, so a murder might occur," she sleepily mumbles before slapping my hand away. I only chuckle at her words and turn my head just enough for my eyes to close instantly.

"Why did you leave the blinds open last night?" I ask after getting hit by a harsh ray of sunlight through the blinds. The back of my eyelids remains a mix of blue and red until I blink a few times.

"I like morning light," she says.

"That's contradicting. You don't like early mornings. Still, you like the morning light." I point out.

"I do," she says with a squint of her eyes as she stretches the laziness off her body. She sits on the bed and reaches to the tip of her toe with her fingertips for a little stretch.

"Well, I don't."

"That's why I left that part close." She stretches herself, pointing out that she has only opened half the blinds. "If you didn't invade my side, you wouldn't have gotten burnt by the light," she says.

"Ugh. Whatever."

I sit on the bed and yawn aloud while Love pulls up her hair in a messy ponytail. Her brown eyes reflect the rising sun outside as she looks out of the window.

"Dude. Why are we like this every morning?" she suddenly asks about how we are always too lazy to get out of bed every morning. We might be grown-up adults of twenty-six, but that didn't stop us from craving sleep and stubbornly sleeping a few more minutes.

"I don't know. Our companies squeeze the energy out of us." I show the massiveness of the energy that our companies squeeze out of us. She laughs at my words and gets down from the bed. I follow her from behind, twisting my arm a bit as it hurts from sitting in the same position when doing work.

I walk into the washroom, where I go through my morning routine. Love joins me, and we lazily brush our teeth in front of the mirror.

Then we walk into the kitchen, where she makes a little breakfast while I make coffee for both of us.

In fact, we are just another normal couple, another married duo living under one roof with rings in their hands and who sleep together at night. We love each other as well.

But our love isn't romantic love.

It's just the friendship and care for each other that bind us together. Nothing more. Because I'd rather be in love with a guy, and she'd rather be in love with a girl because we are attracted to our own gender.

Yet here we are. Under one roof, pretending to be a married couple that's so much in love.

Been married for seven years, living under one roof as friends without meeting other people or falling in love or anything. It's been quite peaceful. Because we both know that in this lifetime, we are not given the luxury of falling in love.

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