3/ He's With Me Tonight

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Win's POV

I finish the call with my secretary, watching the elevator reach the highest floor. I walk out of it to our penthouse while staring at my phone and bump into someone who turns out to be Bright.

Avoiding him for a few weeks straight, being in the room all day and not even looking at his face, did work in the meantime. But right now, facing him like this, his hands holding my shoulders as I was just about to fall and his eyes on me, I quickly move back in a startled manner.

Seeing him in front of me, close to me only reminds me that I like him. He's so handsome, and he looks so cool. The way he dresses up, the way he looks at me and everything! It's all so cool. Makes me like him even more.

I panic as I step back and hit the table next to me, which has the little ornaments, our wedding gifts. One falls on the ground and breaks in the middle.

I spare a glance at it for a second before quickly walking into our room.

I pace back and forth in the room, waiting for Love to show up at any moment. She shows up after a few minutes, looking concerned.

"This isn't working. How long are you going to... just spend the whole day in your room because he's there?" she asks.

"Why can't you take him elsewhere and do the work?" I ask.

"Win... you are being selfish now-"

"Aren't you?!" I yell at her. She flinches at my words and looks the other way as it's the first time I've ever yelled at her. I close my eyes in regret.

"Let's talk after you calm down," she says.

I hold her arm before she walks out of the room. "Sorry. I didn't mean it."

"Do you think.. we'll live in peace after this?" she suddenly asks, taking me by surprise.

"Of course."

"I have brought many male friends to our place, but you never paid any attention to them. You are simply... different ever since Bright showed up. I realise that you have feelings for him in this short time. Don't deny saying you are just confused. Win, you are into guys, and you just met a love interest, which is totally normal, and you are startled by the whole thing. I don't blame you." she says.

"But I am overreacting and- and..." I shake my head. "Don't bring him here again."

She tilts her head in question, "Then what?"

"What? We live like before." I say.

"I am in love with Film," she says.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"The receptionist girl I told you about. Not long before your interest in Bright. I kept silent because it was only me. We cannot ruin the arrangement just because of my feelings. Now you are into a guy, too." she says.

"That doesn't make any difference, Love. You know what shit our parents do to keep their dignity. We can't do anything in this lifetime. I won't stop you from dating or doing anything with that girl, but I just don't want anything to go wrong." I say.

"I have never kissed a girl," she says.


"Before I die... I want to be with a girl. Can't I do that?" she asks.

"You..." I step back and sit on the bed. I fidget with my watch before looking at her. "You can. But how? She'll get to know that you like girls, and it will go out to the world." I say.

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