Chapter 33

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Daniel's POV:
(Two weeks later)

"There's no way in hell you beat me" I say looking at our napkin with a  tik-tak-toe game on it
"It's written in stone dummy I win" she says with a proud smile, I smile and rip up the napkin and Angelina's mouth falls open
"Not anymore"
She closes her mouth and crosses her arms and mumbles
"Worst boyfriend ever"
"What did you say?" I say smirking at her,
"I said worst boyfriend ever" she says with a smirk
"Guys I'm trying to eat my lunch without trying to throw it back up" Mia says in an annoyed tone
I smile and whisper to Angelina,
"We'll talk about your comment later"
She smiles and says
"So Mia no luck on finding a prom date?"
"Ugggh no, all the guys here are so fucking lame"  she says in a whiny voice, I chuckle softly and look at Colin when he says
"That's because you never want to commit to them" Mia rolls her eyes and says
"We're supposed to have fun not settle down!"
Angelina looks at Mia and says
"Ask out Luca from art class, he seems like he's into you and he isn't wanting to get into a relationship before college" Mia smiles big and says
"Omg you're so right! I feel better now" I laugh and shake my head, the bell rings and we all stand up and go our separate ways.
"Soo I've been thinking" I say as I walk her to her locker.
She looks at me with her beautiful hazel eyes and says
"Yessss" I watch her for a moment, the way her hair falls slightly in her face when she's unloading her backpack and getting her other books. She's so beautiful I can't take my eyes off of her, she looks up and smiles saying
"Earth to Daniel"
I chuckle and say
"Sorry uhm I was thinking you meet my older brothers tomorrow night.."
She doesn't say anything for a few seconds and then she smiles and says
"Aww you fallin for me Seavey I get to meet the older brotherssss"
I roll my eyes and blush, she starts giggling and says
"I'd love to meet your older brothers"
I look at her and pull her in and whisper,
"So I'm the worst boyfriend huh?"
She laughs and says,
"Oh the worst! I think I'm actually going to get you a costume made shirt that says 'I'm the worst boyfriend because I ripped up my girlfriends tik-tak-toe score because I lost and had a tantrum"
"Wow that's a whole book you think you'll publish more?" She rolls her eyes and pushes me away walking to her class, I grab her by the hand and pull her back,
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I was kidding" I kiss her softly she pulls away smiling and says,
"That's what I thought now come on we're going to be late"
She pulls me as she speaks and I smile gladly following her...I'll follow her anywhere.


I was pacing, I don't know why I was pacing...she's met Anna and my mom but for some odd reason I don't know why I was so anxious for her to meet Tyler and Christian. They were just my older siblings who I tend to look up to a lot and I guess...I guess I just really want them to like her. I hear a knock on my door and then see my mom walk in, I try to stop pacing but my mind was telling my body to keep moving...moving will help.
"Oh's going to go great" she says as she watches me pace, I take a deep breath and say
"But what if they don't like her..."
"They will honey I-"
"But what if they don't!" I say cutting her off, she sighs and walks over to me grabbing my shoulders and says,
"Daniel you are going to give yourself a seizure take a deep breath honey" I don't say anything and just look at the floor
"Your brothers are going to like her, I already talk highly of her and nothing is going to go wrong"she says softly, I take a deep breath and look up at her
"I just look up to them and it means a lot if they like her because they know who's good for me and who's not...they didn't like my last girlfriends and they all ended up hurting me  so I don't want that same outcome" my mom smiles at me and says
"We both know the outcome is different" I smile softly. I head down the stairs when I hear the door bell ring, I open the door and see my brothers standing there. Christian brought wine and Tyler brought cookies
"Christian we can't drink wine" I say when I shut the door,
"Live a little why don't ya" Tyler chuckles and says
"Is Angelina hear yet?"
"Uh no I'm sure she'll be here soon, moms in the kitchen and Anna and Jack are in her room" Christians eyes go wide after I finish speaking and he says
"ALONE?" I look at him confused and say
"Yeah...?" He hands me the wine and heads up the stairs
"Oh Annaaaa" I hear him say when he makes it to the top, I look at Tyler and he shakes his head and says
"Poor Anna and Jack" I chuckle then smile when I hear a knock on the door, I turn around and open the door and I see Angelina standing in the most beautiful yellow dress, she curled her hair and put a white headband on. She wore a white sweater over her dress and wore white docs, she was so beautiful
"Hey gorgeous" I say then kiss her softly, she smiles and says
"My mom made me bring chocolate and when I  knocked on the door I felt like SpongeBob and Patrick in that one episode of them selling chocolate and I prepared myself for you to scream chocolate"  I start laughing but I also hear Tyler dying in the back, Angelina looks behind me and turns red
"Well...that's one way to meet me...I didn't know you were behind him or you unfortunately wouldn't have hear that embarrassing thought" he continues to laugh and says
"Well I'm happy you didn't know because that was funny" she smiles and I move over so she can walk in, she smiles trying to cover her embarrassment
"Well Tyler this is Angelina my girlfriend, Angelina this is Tyler" she holds her hand out and says softly
"Nice to meet you Tyler" he smiles and says
"Ditto" he walks into the kitchen, she covers her face and shakes her head
"Babe it's ok he thought it was funny"
"Nooo I feel like a complete idiot" she muffles into her hands. I pull her into the kitchen so we can sit down and she says
"Daniel if you don't see me tomorrow I'm most likely dead..I love you" I roll my eyes and chuckle and say
"Ok drama queen" before she can say anything all we hear is Christian screaming and then thudding, Tyler and I walk out to the stair case and see Christian at the end of them, i immediately start laughing. Tyler sighs and walks over to  him and says,
"She pushed you down the stairs huh?" I continue to laugh when he says,
"No shit Sherlock! Daniel it's not funny shut up!!"
We all gather around the table after Tyler got Christian up, Angelina and Christian both really enjoy the theater and the whole movie world. It was cool seeing her actually open up to them and for her to be  comfortable with them, I help my mom clean up while Angelina talks to Anna and Jack.
"I told you everything was going to go ok" my mom whispers
"I know I know...I just want this to be different" my mom smiles and says,
"It's already different, now go walk her home I'll finish up here" I smile and kiss my moms head and then walk over to her wrapping my arms around her stomach
"Ready beautiful?" She giggles and says,
"Yup! Bye guys see you tomorrow...also Anna say sorry to Christian"
"NEVER" she yells, I laugh and grab Angelina's hand as we walk out the front door.
"So did I pass" she say's swinging our hands, I smile and say
"Give my bosses three to five business days" she laughs and stops in front of the tree that separates our yards
"Every day I find myself falling more and more in love with you seavey" she says softly looking into my eyes. I smile and say
"I've been falling since day one" she smiles and  gets on her tip toes and kisses me softly.
"Good night Miss Thomason" I say when she pulls away
"Goodnight Mr Seavey" she says softly
"I'm happy I climbed up your ladder two weeks ago" she smiles and says,
"Stalker" I chuckle and whisper
"I'll stalk you later" she smirks,
"Promise?" I laugh
"Go home loser" she smiles and starts walking backwards
"I expect you to stalk me in 45 minutes I need to shave" I laugh and say,
"See in 45" she smiles and turns around running into her house.

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