"Chapter 16"

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Angelina's POV:

It's been two weeks since Daniel and I had sex, two weeks since I completely went behind Anna's back and slept with her brother. Two weeks since my goals and vision for this year completely changed. I feel scattered, my mind is going 100 miles per hour and I can't focus or concentrate anymore...whenever I think I'm doing ok I start to think about that night, how he would touch me and I felt like I was in heaven. And it would make me feel happy but then I'll think of Anna and how she repeatedly tell me that every girl friend she made would go after Daniel and completely ditch her, but I wouldn't be like those other girls because Anna is the only true friend I have here and to be completely honest the only friend I've had that's been the most loyal. I hear my phone ding and see it's Anna again, I've been very distant for the last two weeks and she's definitely noticed. See the thing is, when I'm around her I feel the guilt run up my spin that it makes me nauseous and I can't look her in the face without feeling like I betrayed her, I've also been completely avoiding Daniel since that night. I don't even know where I stand with him, he completely makes me want to strangle him but kiss him until we can't breathe anymore, and him in bed is just....I can't even explain it. He was gentle at first then it turned into this steamy rough passionate moment and I have never had sex like that before not even with Spencer, which made me want to throw up afterwords because not only did I feel like I betrayed Anna but I felt like I betrayed Spencer too. I made him wait 5 months to have sex with me and I never wanted it to get rough or steamy because I never felt the need for it to be like that but with Daniel...I couldn't get enough of him, I wanted more and more and it just switched so fast. I take a deep breath and cover my face trying to wash away the thoughts but I hear my phone ring and I look at my phone seeing Anna's name and I hesitate before answering but answer it
"Hey" I say softly
"I'm outside let's talk at our tree?" She says, she doesn't sound happy, my heart starts to race and I shoot up
"Uhm yeah yeah I'll be down in a second" I hang up the phone and walk to my closet putting on my sweats and hoodie and tie my hair up. I try to ignore my heavy breathing and focus more on calm thoughts but my mind was racing...what if Daniel told her, what if someone saw us go into the bathroom at the party...what if she saw us through Daniels window...all the what ifs flying around in my head as I walk down the stairs and open the front door but when I see her at the big tree that separates our houses with a blanket and Subway I immediately calm down and smile softly.
"What's all this for?" I ask as I walk over to her, she smiles and hands me a Subway bag and says softly
"You've been distant lately and I wanted some one on one time with you...what's going on?" I sigh and sit down looking at my nails, just come clean it's better now then later but when I look up at her and see her supportive eyes and comforting smile...I couldn't
"You know the whole situation with my dad and Rachel?" She nods her head, I sigh and say "well it's just been killing me knowing, it leaves me with thoughts and feelings that I don't want right now! And what sucks is that I have to pretend that I don't even know...but I'm starting to get more and more angry the more I think about it all." I say, I mean it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth as to why I've been distant. She smiles and places her hand on mine and says softly
"Have you told your mom?"
"No...she would lose her shit, my dad left when Rachel was 2 and it was hard because as soon as he left he remarried and had twin boys with her" I say trying to hold back my tears.
"I'm so sorry Angelina, but you aren't alone anymore...you have me and the group now and believe it or not Daniels been asking about you too" she says opening her sandwich, I thought hearing his name would make me want to throw up but it actually made me feel somewhat at ease
"Ew why?" I ask trying to sound like I usually would, she chews her food and holds up a finger which gives me the opportunity to finally eat my food
"I don't know he's completely like changed the last two weeks, girls haven't really been coming over I mean he still flirts around but no recent hook ups and he's been asking why you haven't been present in the group like mentally present" she say's nonchalantly, I smile a little knowing he isn't sleeping around anymore but still a tad bit annoyed he's flirting, oh well we aren't dating.
"Well now you know...just don't tell everyone say it's personal stuff I don't want a big sappy moment with everyone" I say, Anna giggles and nods her head then says
"Noted...also Colin's been asking about you...he says you've been ignoring his text" she says smirking, I roll my eyes and set my sandwich down and say
"Yeah no that's over...he seemed really into me and then completely bailed on me at the party, I mean everyone kinda did but he said he'd stay with me and he was the reason why I went but oh well" Anna smiles and scoots closer to me
"Fuck men" I laugh and lay my head on hers and say
"Amen" we stay like that for awhile talking about god knows what but it felt good being with her...I'll tell her about Daniel I just didn't want to ruin this moment it was too precious.


I was reading when I hear a knock on my window and I knew exactly who it was, a part of me was excited which is why I jumped out of my chair and practically ran to the window but another part or me was extremely nervous I haven't really talked to him in two weeks and I didn't freshen up. I pull back my curtains and open my window, he climbs in and just looks at me then pulls me into a hug. I didn't know what to do but I eventually wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like that for at least thirty minutes. We finally pull away he walks me to my bed and I look at my door and thank god it's locked my mom would have a heart attack if she knew a boy was in here past 12. I sit on his lap (he placed me there) and he looks up at me
"You didn't tell me about your dad" I close my eyes, all that ran through my head at the moment was how I was going to kill Anna
"I told her not to say anything" I say softly, he smiles and says in that sexy voice of his
"I forced her...is that really why you've been avoiding us" he says softly, I look into his eyes and sigh
"I feel guilty, I betrayed Anna..." I take a deep breath and close my eyes and say softly again
"And my ex...my last relationship ended not so good, he was my first...and we dated the entire time I was in Florida so I fell hard, his name was Spencer..." I see the concern on his face as he listened, I take another breath
"He died the night we broke up...it was a car accident...we were uhm we were coming back from a party and we got into this argument and this drunk driver slammed head on into us" I say, I feel the tears falling down my cheek and he softly wipes it away...I don't know why I'm telling him, I don't know why I'm so comfortable around the Seavey's but I am.
"So I feel like I've betrayed him because I don't regret one bit of that night and yes it's been a year but this is all new to me and I don't know what to feel" I sigh and close my eyes I couldn't look at him after that, but he wipes my cheeks and says softly
"It's ok to feel what you feel I'm not pressuring anything Angelina take it at your pace...we can stay low key and un official for as long as you need" I look at him and he looks at me, I smile and say softly
"Thanks I'm sorry" he smiles and says
" no biggie newbie...we'll be friends with benefits" he smirks and I just laugh..idk why it made me laugh but it did. He lays back and I lay on top of him and we remain like that for the rest of the night.

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