"Chapter 18"

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Angelina's POV:

I wake up to my alarm going off and I roll over grabbing my phone and press the button. I roll back over and see Daniel still sound asleep, I wanted to kiss him to wake him up but that'll mean more and this whole weekend felt different. I know we agreed to friends with benefits but this connection, what we have is too strong to keep up this friends with benefits deal, I don't want to rush into a relationship and ruin things like the last but I don't want to stay in this middle ground forever. I sigh softly and just shake him softly, he groans and then opens his eyes slowly...I smile at him and fix his messy hair
"Time for school dummy" I say softly, he groans and covers his face with his hands and mumbles
"No let's stay here forever" I giggle and get out of my bed. Rachel will be back tonight, my moms going to be gone until Thursday but I don't want Rachel hearing us when we're trying to be quiet, she also doesn't know how to knock and I don't want her barging in whenever she likes when she gets home. So as much as I like his idea it just won't work...I start the shower and take my clothes off, I didn't think to shut my bathroom door since I've grown comfortable with my naked body seen by him, I look over at my bed and he's laying against my headboard watching me. I feel that warm feeling rush through my body and I slowly take my bra off never leaving eye contact, he adjusts in the bed and never removes his eyes from my body...I slowly take my shorts and underwear off and take my time putting my hair up. He stands up and walks over to the bathroom, I look up at him when he reaches me and pulls me in to kiss me but he doesn't kiss me only hovers over my lips and whispers
"I should go home and change" I stare at him in confusion as he walks out of my bathroom and gathers his stuff and climbs out of my window. As I washed my hair this whole weekend just replayed in my head, from the conversations to the sex it was all like a fever dream but instead it was real. I have never opened up to anyone so fast or felt comfortable so quickly...I mean I don't even talk that much with Anna and Mia, oh fuck Anna...I was so busy with Daniel that she wasn't even on my mind as much. Like every now and then I'd feel guilty but Daniel washed that feeling away so quickly...he made it so easy being with him, I get out of the shower and smile...he left his shirt for me, I quickly change into some jeans and long sleeve crop top. I pull on my black jacket over my shirt and put on my high top converse, I head downstairs and grab my keys and bag and walk out of my house. Anna was walking over to my car and I smile
"Hey" she smiles and says
"Hey! You look cute" I smile and unlock my car and we both hop in, she turns on the radio and begins talking about her weekend with Jack
"He was so annoying this weekend, I didn't even want to go over because he's been stress about football and he's taken his frustration and stress out on me! So I wanted to give him space and he was like 'no babe I'm fine I just want you with me this weekend' but was a complete asshole." She rolls her eyes and looks out the window,
"I am so sor-" I begin to say but she interrupts me
"Oh and you want to know what's funny! After fighting all day he goes 'so we aren't having sex?' LIKE NO SHIT" she throws her hands up in the air and groans. I wait a couple of minutes and then say
"I am so sorry Anna...maybe you guys should just have a couple days to calm down and then come back to the topic" I pull into the school parking lot and give her a reassuring smile. She sighs and nods her head then says
"Enough of me how was yours?" I hesitate for a moment then say
"Oh nothing interesting just watched romance movies and read" I lie, she didn't question it because that's what I used to do before Daniel. We walk up to the group and Daniel was sitting against Colin's car, he smirks at me and I smile softly holding back my blush. Anna stays by my side and Jack looks over like really but she doesn't move or even look at him, I half smile at him not really knowing what to do
"Soooo how was everyone's weekend!" Mia says with a big smile
"I'll go first...I had sex! Yup I did it finally y'all" she says with a big smile again.. I smile, I never realized how much Mia reminds me of Cleo
"Ok ew Mia I don't want to hear about your sex life" Colin says making a disgusted face, I giggle then say
"You have to tell me the details"
"Ugh yes this means sleepover" Anna says clapping her hands, I look over at Daniel and he was just watching me smirking. God I hate when he smirks because it makes him so fucking hot
"What about the rest of you??" Mia ask, Jack and Anna both say exhausting then look at each other like they're going to fight, Colin says
"Not much, Mia you should know this" Mia shrugs her shoulders and then looks at me, fuck what do I say
"Uhm...I just caught up on my reading and watched romance movies" I make eye contact with Daniel and he nods his head like he approves. The bell rings and we all head to class.


After school I see Rachel standing next to my car waiting for me, I sigh not really wanting to ride home with her alone. Durning that time of two weeks not talking much, I completely ghosted Rachel...I am furious, I didn't understand how furious I was until she lied straight to me about it being a friend back in Florida. I haven't really spoken to her since that day and I'm afraid if I do I'm going to explode, I reach my car and unlock it; she gets in and I get in starting it. She looks at me then at the road then back at me and says
"Ok what's going on?" I try to play it cool and say
"What do you mean?" She looks at me, and I look at her when we stop at a red light. She was serious, studying my every move and facial expression, I look away because I don't want her to read me right now I don't want her to make me say it
"You're lying...stop lying" she says, I shake my head and drive when the light turns green
"You're delusional...stop being delusional" I say in a snarky tone...I didn't mean for it to come out that way but it did. I hear Rachel mumble something and look out the window, why did Anna have to stay after school it would of been much easier. We finally get home and Rachel gets out and slams my door, I shut my door and walk into the house after her completely walking pass my moms car not noticing she's back early
"Don't slam my door" I say annoyed looking at her, she is pacing as she drinks her water, she sets it down and looks at me still pacing
"Don't be a bitch then!" She's pissed, how cute!
"Whatever Rachel" I try to walk to the stairs but she stands in front of them
"So mature Rachel...move" I say trying to calm myself down. She just stands there and crosses her arms
"Rachel get out of the way or I'll move you" she raises an eyebrow and says
"Tell me why you've been avoiding me and acting like a little cunt" I look at her and all I feel is rage build up
"Fine you want to know! I found out you've been talking to dad" I say in an angry tone, she drops her arms and her face loosens up.
"What cats got your tongue?" I say in a sarcastic tone and walk pass her heading up the stairs, she says in a shaken voice
"You went through my phone? You had no right Angelina!" I stop in mid track and turn around and look at her, I was so angry I started to tear up
"I have no right? I am his daughter too Rachel! He left when you were 2 and I was 4! I have no fucking right??? To know that you've been talking to our dad! The dad that hasn't even said happy birthday to us! The dad who wasn't there when you almost died from pneumonia! The dad that made mom have to work extra hard so we wouldn't be homeless! I have no right??? No fuck you Rachel and fuck him because he doesn't care about us! This this is guilt and he knows he can lie to you because you don't fucking remember him but me! I remember the day he left and I remember he never said bye! I also didn't just go through your phone, I saw one of your friends text you and I assumed I'd let them know you were sick but that's when I saw!" I yell, tears were pouring down my face, Rachel was crying and shaking her head
"That's not true and you know it!" She yells, I look at her then my mom behind her...I was so caught in everything I didn't even see her
"Does mom know of your little secret" I say bitterly, I look at my mom and she gives me this look... the one look that she always gives me when we move from somewhere I liked...the apologetic look
"You knew?" I say softly, she starts to cry and says softly
"I just found out last week...Angelina honey Rachel didn't know how to tell you" I couldn't breathe I needed to leave I needed to get out of here...and I needed to do it now
"I was going to tell you by having him visit...I wasn't on a business trip...I went to go talk to him to see if he'll come down to visit you in person" I look at her...I don't know what is happening but I just walk pass Rachel who was crying and I walk pass my mom who was crying and repeatedly saying sorry. I walk out of the house and I keep walking...the walking turned into jogging...then into running...then into sprinting, I had to leave I had to think there's so much going in from Anna to Daniel to Rachel to my mom to now my dad! A person I hardly know...I thought when I got this chance I'd be excited but all I feel is rage, overdue rage.

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