"Chapter 13"

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Angelina's POV:

The whole week me and Colin have been hanging out after school, we would watch movies or play games. We would talk for hours about which Vampire Diaries character is the best and why, and the make out sessions were extremely sexual. I forgot how good it felt to be with someone, sometimes I would feel guilty like I was betraying Spencer for kissing another person even if it has been a year I still feel like a traitor. That and the fact that I picture Daniel when we are making out, I know I sound like a complete bitch because Colin is hot and sweet and a big geek about everything I geek out about but I can't help but imagine that moron Daniel when we are getting heated. It doesn't help that he constantly stares at me when I'm laughing at something Colin would say or even just when I'm talking, he stares at me like he's reading me and it makes my stomach turn. He is so hot but then he opens his mouth or is flirting with ten different girls in one day, the highest was 13 but who's keeping count. I do my handshake with Rachel when we get out of my car then head over to the group, I say morning and walk over to Colin. We don't really kiss in front of everyone since nothing is final between us, Daniel looks at me then at Mia when she says
"Y'all don't even understand how excited I am to crash Franny's party tonight!"
"Dude she's going to throw a whole bitch fit" Jack says, Anna looks up at him and laughs then says
"She's going to turn red and be like what the fuck are you guys doing here!" I giggle, although I wasn't too excited, it will be fun seeing that psychotic bitch be put in place. Colin leans down and whispers in my ear
"You look gorgeous today...I can't wait to see what you wear tonight" I smile looking at him and he smiles down at me, he had gorgeous eyes and for the first time I saw him for him. His compliments make me feel like I'm the only girl he sees but it also confuses me, the way I feel about him is all over the place...I like him but not enough to want to date him or even love him but he makes me so happy and makes me feel like the most beautiful person to ever exist. My mind is all over the place and all I really want to do is just be alone so I can work it all out. He leans over again when the group goes on about getting wasted tonight and whispers
"Mia is going to confess her love for all of us when she's drunk, Jack and Anna are gonna literally suck on each others faces and Daniel Will probably make a fool of himself" I giggle and look at him and whisper back
"And you'll be perfect?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks
"Of course" I laugh again and shake my head, he chuckles and doesn't take his eyes off of me
"What's so funny?" I hear Daniel say, I look over at him and he has this look...I wouldn't say anger but almost jealously. The hell is he jealous about, we fight like an old married couple
"Uh nothing" Colin says holding in his laugh and looking down, I smile and turn red and clear my throat. Anna was smirking at me and looking at me like yeah okk, I smile and clear my throat again and look at everyone but Daniel. I couldn't make eye contact with him because if I did I'd be lost in those ocean blue eyes...he was also why I was confused about my feelings for Colin. I can't get his stupid smirk out of my mind and the way he looks at me is like he's looking into my soul, the bell rings and we all head to our classes.

Daniel's POV:

Anna caught a ride with me since she woke up later then usual. We were finally having normal conversation and by that I mean she wasn't on my ass about who I was sleeping with or talking to.
"Daniel omg you're going to kill us slow down" she says placing he hands on the dashboard when i brake hard, I chuckle and tap my fingers on the steering wheel
"You're fine" I say still chuckling, she rolls her eyes and looks back at the mirror continuing her makeup.
"Why didn't you catch a ride with Angelina?" I ask and go when the light turns green, she finishes and closes her mascara
"I woke up late, she leaves early because Rachel has A hour" she says placing her makeup in her backpack. I nod my head, we stay in silence for a maybe a minute before she asked
"You sure you'll be ok going with us tonight?" I sigh and look at her when we hit another red light.
"Anna you've been asking me that since Tuesday, yes I'll be fine..I'll just chill with y'all maybe find a girl to flirt with" she rolls her eyes and says
"I'm just making sure it won't trigger anything, you are like Angelina you both hold in your feelings" I look at her then at the road, I don't hold in my feelings, I mean yeah I don't always tell her what I'm feeling but I don't hold them in and I am not like Angelina we aren't even similar. She's rude, sarcastic, judgmental and boring, she also has something to say and is always rolling her eyes at me, but for some damn reason I can't help but find it to be hot. She always makes me smile and brings a side of me out that I didn't even know was hidden, I love annoying her because she isn't sensitive she gives it right back. And it sounds so corny but she's different then the other girls, they all throw themselves onto me which is nice but she doesn't, she literally Challenges me. Again sounds corny but it's true, I can't get her out of my head which annoys the fuck out of me. I park when we finally get to the school and look at Anna while she gets her stuff ready
"Speaking of Angelina is she going to the party tonight?" I ask, she looks at me and says
"Yeah with Colin why?" I didn't reply for a second then say
"Was just wondering...she doesn't seem like the party type" Anna looks at me then says
"Well Colin convinced her so she's going...don't try anything Daniel ok? I know how you get and she's off limits" she gets out of the car and walks over to the group. I follow shortly after, we all started talking about random shit then Angelina shows up, she was wearing shorts with a big t-shirt and high top converse. She had her hair down but it was curly, she looked gorgeous as always. She says morning to us and then listens to Mia go on about how tonight's going to be funny, which I don't disagree seeing Franny lose her shit is going to be hilarious but I couldn't stop looking over at Angelina and Colin. He was whispering in her ear and she was smiling and laughing...why was she smiling and laughing what was so funny. I look away trying to listen to Anna but I look back over and this time they were both laughing and staring into each other's eyes.
"Oh give me a break" I mumble then say
"What's so funny?" They both look at me, Colin says nothing and looks down, everyone was staring at them and Angelina turns red and clears her throat. I try my hardest not to get pissed I have nothing to be pissed about, the bell rings and everyone walks to class...god I really have to see them all over each other at this party tonight

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