Chapter 32

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Angelina's POV:

*Hours earlier*

"I hate that I'm the only junior in our what am I to do when you all graduate! Well...I guess I can hang with you Rachel!!" Anna says as we walk to my car

"Uhmmm Anna I don't think you'd want to hang with a bunch of sophomores...besides Angelina is going to a college in state so you can bother her" Rachel says, I smile when Anna says


before I could say anything I see Franny running her fingers through Daniels hair. I was going to be sick, how could he allow her to touch can he even be near her? I wanted to walk over there and punch her in the face, I wanted to yell at Daniel for allowing her to touch him but I didn't....I just looked at Anna and Rachel when I didn't hear them speaking. I give a soft smile and shrug my shoulders unlocking my car and getting in, they stand by the doors a bit longer and then Rachel gets in and looks at me with concern in her eyes, I just smile and start the car and say

"I'm fine we aren't together he can see whoever he wants to see" Anna gets in as I finish my sentence, she doesn't say anything for awhile then says softly

"I'm sorry.." I wipe my eyes and put my car in reverse and say

"Maybe we can order pizza and watch a movie, or we can play the Wii or make a trip to the bakery and pick up some cupcakes and hot coco and watch a romcom"

they both look at each other and then at me, there's no point in expressing my feelings or my thoughts. I did this to myself, I threw away our relationship within a heartbeat just in order to save Anna and I's friendship...I have no right to be upset or hurt because I did it to him.

"Lets order pizza and play the Wii" Rachel says after a few minutes, I smile wide and look at Anna, she still had this concerned look in her eyes but she smiles and says

"Yeah that sounds like a blast!"


"FUCK Y'ALL I DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE WON!!!" Rachel yells when she comes in last in Mario Cart for the 4th time, I giggle and take another slice from the box of pizza.

"Oh shut the fuck up you won all four rounds!!! You're a cheater" she says folding her arms and glares at me, I smile and take another bite from my slice.

"Whatever I have homework to do, bye Anna" she smiles at Anna then glares at me and flips me off walking towards the stairs, I just smile and finish up my pizza

"You guys take Mario Cart seriously" Anna says as she sets her controller down, I laugh and set my plate down and pull my knees up to my chest

"Daniel and I get competitive but only with singing competition" she says and then looks at me with regret and quickly says

"I'm so sorry I'm sure you don't want to hear about Daniel" I smile softly and say

"He's your brother I don't care if you talk about him"

She smiles softly and looks at her hands, I know she wants to talk about earlier but I don't want to talk about Daniel and I, I don't want to think of what we were and how there is no us only ordinary Angelina. Anna grabs my hand and says ever so softly

"We never talked about you guys...we just amended our friendship and didn't discuss your feelings for him. Angelina I should of never asked you to choose between us...I was just so angry and I wanted you guys to know how angry I was. But I never saw how me making you choose ended up hurting you guys, believe me when I say this but I never wanted you to hurt...I just wanted to be heard and I took it to the next level. I'm so so sorry...please forgive me"

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