"Chapter 31"

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Daniel's POV:

I walk away from Franny trying to get my thoughts in order...she has no right to treat Angelina like that she's done nothing wrong to her. I walk to my car when I see Jack walk over with Colin,
"Hey guys" I say as I unlock my car
"Wassup Seavey" Colin says, Jack smiles and says
"You should come over...Anna is hanging with Angelina so I thought we can all go back to my place and maybe smoke and watch a movie" I smile and lean against my car and look at him
"Anna said she didn't like you smoking weed" he smirks and says
"She doesn't need to know" Colin laughs and says
"Dude you'll tell her you can't keep a secret from her too long" I smile and watch Jack try to come up with a rebuttal but he was stuck and I say
"That's sad Jack...she has you wrapped around her finger" he shrugs and says
"Yeah but I love her" Colin continues to call him a softie and talk about their hoe days, I try to focus on the conversation but my mind kept going back to how Angelina wasn't at the group again in the morning or at lunch. This distance is killing me, I miss her so much...her touch, her smile, her laugh, her moans. I shift trying not to think of that but every memory of us having sex rushed to my mind and god I missed her body and how it arched when I touched in the right place and how she would wrap her legs around my waist, the way she would dig her nails into my back when she was close. I feel Colin wrap his arm around my shoulders and I clear my throat leaving those memories behind and zoning back into their conversation
"So you in Seavey" I look at them and then look down smiling, I guess I could use the distraction and plus I'm not doing sports this semester so smoking doesn't sound so bad
"Ight Ight I'm in" they both cheer and hop in my car. I open my door and look at them buckling up
"You only wanted to hang because you two need rides home huh?" Jack does a sheepish smile and Colin says
"Yes...yes we did BUT we did want to hear about the whole Anna, Angelina deal" I roll my eyes and start the car smiling
"Way to make it not so obvious Colin" Jack says then looks at me as I head out of the parking lot
"I mean I've heard Anna's side so i want to hear yours and I want to know how this all fucking started"
"Yeah man! I know we didn't work out on my faults of course but I had no clue you guys were even on good terms" Colin says, I sigh and try to collect my thoughts the sooner I explain what happened the sooner they'll drop it and plus I needed to talk about it...I needed to hear others thoughts.
"Uhm where do you want me to start?" I ask not sure where to begin
"The beginning dumbass" jack says, I laugh and say
"Well I guess I started to feel some short of feelings for her when my mom and dad made Anna and I meet them when they first moved in...she was the last to come into he living room, I remember what she was wearing. Shorts and big T, she had her hair up and she was anxious and extremely closed off but I remember thinking she's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. I know that was bad then but y'all knew Franny and I were ending soon whether Angelina came or not" they were both extremely involved in my story, Jack was leaning to the side looking at me with his hands on his cheeks...Colin was sitting in the middle seat in the back also leaning forward looking at me. I continued on with how we would always bicker whenever she came over or when we were in Chemistry class together, I mentioned how I thought she was a bitch at first but how I slowly started to fall for her, how I would pay close attention to the way she did things...how I kept finding ways to talk to her so I could her her sweet voice. I talked about how I originally wanted friends with benefits but when we had that weekend together I fell in love almost immediately, they looked at me shocked and I parked the car outside Jack's house but they didn't move so I kept talking I never knew I wanted to talk about Angelina but god it felt good, I told them how I felt guilty for going behind Anna's back for months but he couldn't help it, when he finally finished they just stared at him with shocked expressions...Jack was the first to break the silence
"Holy shit!" I didn't know if that was a good holy shit or a bad one
"That was powerful man" I turn around to see Colin crying softly
"Uh...thanks" I say not sure how to respond to Colin crying, Jack rolls his eyes and gets out saying
"Daniel I think she still loves you man...I just think she was feeling a lot of pressure and didn't know what do" I get out but didn't say anything...I know she was feeling a lot at once but the way she said it so fast with such ease I wanted to believe she didn't mean it but half of me thinks she didn't care for our relationship as much as she did for Anna and hers. Though it does make me happy to know Anna wasn't just tossed aside like usual this time it was me (how ironic), we walk into the house and down to the basement that's where we usually did our smoke sesh before Jack got with Anna...that was only three years ago it's crazy to think he's been with my sister that long. After a while we were all high out of our minds, Jack walks down with his eyes barely open and says
"Pizza is on its way!!" Colin smiles wide and says
"God pizza....I love pizza, I would literally eat it every day" I laugh hard...he sounded like a complete idiot. Jack sits down and says
"I missed this...guy hangouts" I smile and say
"I missed it too man" we start to hear soft cries and we both look over at Colin holding a pillow crying softly...we couldn't help but laugh, we completely forgot how much of an emotional high Colin is
"Stop laughing at meee" he says as tears fall down his face
"I just love you guys so much" he says immediately after, I smile and then look at Jack
"I never asked...how was Stanford? I know you got to tour the campus before winter break" I say to Jack while Colin got his emotions in order. He sighs and looks at his hand...I knew exactly what that meant
"You still didn't tell her?" He shakes his head no and says softly
"I want to be here with her but...I loved Stanford, I loved the weather and the atmosphere...I just don't want to be that far from Anna" he says looking at his promise ring she gave him, I don't say anything for awhile and then say
"Hey California isn't so far...just 11 hours" he groans and runs his fingers through his hair...I know that look of stress
"Enough talk about girlsssss let's play games and wait for the pizza...oooo wait Jack do you have Doritos???" Colin says sitting up, I didn't even realize he was now laying on the floor when he was just on the couch. Jack laughs and says "yeah I do I'll be back", I smile and talk about random shit with Colin. It felt so nice catching up with them both and just being able to hang.


I get home around 8pm and walk to my room, my mom was in her office probably sorting through divorce paperwork and Anna was in her room. I walk into mine and shut the door, I look out my window and look across the way just to see her blinds close...I wish she kept them open I loved watching her read and she knew it. I change into basketball shorts and lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling when I heard a soft knock, within seconds Anna opens the door and lays next to me looking at the ceiling. We stay like that for a couple of minutes until Anna says,
"You and Franny?" I sigh and close my eyes, that's why Franny was acting like that. Anna looks at me and says
"I thought you loved Angelina..." I open my eyes and look at her and say
"I do love her....more than anything" she sighs and looks back at the ceiling
"We talked it out...I don't like how I made her choose, she loves you Daniel and she knows she messed up just talk to her" I don't say anything as I look up at the ceiling again. I didn't know what to say if I'm being honest, a part of me wants to talk to her tell her I understand why she did what she did but the other part is telling me no...you already done enough no need to create more problems. Anna looks at me again and says
"Daniel...I'm sorry" I wasn't expecting that from her...she has nothing to be sorry about, I look at her confused and ask
"Why?" She sighs and says
"I was unfair...I should of just taken time to process it in a positive way rather than how I handled it. I never wanted you two to break up I just wanted you guys to know I was hurt" I smile and grab her hand
"Anna you had every right to feel the way you felt, I do appreciate your apology...Angelina is happy with just you and I will be fine I swear. Plus Franny and I are so over ok" she smiles and squeezes my hand then says
"I love you dummy" I chuckle and look back at the ceiling and ask softly
"Angelina thinks Franny and I are back together huh?" She doesn't say anything and I sigh,
"Even if I were to talk to her now she wouldn't listen to me...she'll think I'm with Franny and she'll find every way to deny that I'm telling the truth" Anna looks at me and says
"You never know until you try.." she then sits up and gets up heading to my door. I didn't say anything but when I hear my door shut I take in a deep breath and roll out of my bed, I grab my hoodie and vans and quickly throw them on. I needed to talk to her I needed to see her and even if she doesn't open her window for me at least she knows I'm not giving up on her. I open my window and climb out and down the ladder and then walk over to her ladder....I wanted to throw up I was so anxious but I couldn't sleep knowing she thinks I'm with Franny. I climb up her ladder and knock on her window and within 5 seconds she was standing right in front of me, she was breathing heavy but she had her glasses on and her hair down...she was breath taking. I climb in after she moves to the side and we just stare at each other both not sure what to do or what to say but I didn't care, she was right here in front of me and that was enough.

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