"Chapter 24"

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Angelina's POV:

I wake up a few hours in Daniels bed, I was laying on his chest with my legs tangled with his . I smile softly and slowly I pry myself off of him to find my phone, I slowly walk over to Daniel's dresser where I see my glasses and phone. I pick up my phone to check the time, 3:30am, shit! I didn't mean to sleep that long, Daniel tosses and lays his arm out on the side I was laying in. He slowly wakes up when he feels that I'm not there, I set my phone down and walk back the bed and smile at him, he pulls me onto him when I'm close enough and he kisses me and says softly
"Where did you go?" I smile loving how sweet and gentle he is and i softly run my fingers down his jaw and say
"I was just checking the time...it's 3am I should head back to my room before my mom realizes I am not there" he sighs softly and whispers
"Stay" I giggle softly and kiss him, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I should pull away...I should get up and put my clothes back on climb out the window but god this feels to good to leave, he starts to kiss down my neck and I smile biting my lip softly tilting my neck a little more giving him access, he smirks against my skin and whispers
"I don't think you want to go?" I giggle quietly and say
"You aren't allowing me to!" He pulls away and looks at me, he looks so beautiful in the moonlight I just want to take a picture to capture his beauty. I kiss him one last time then get off his lap and walk over to his dresser and put my glasses on, he watches me the whole time I slip my clothes on..I walk back to his bed and kiss him softly again, when I pull away he says softly
"We have to tell Anna" I just stare at him then at our hands and say softly
"I know...I know we will" I couldn't look at him when I said that...for some reason I just couldn't make myself look at him because apart of me doesn't want to tell Anna. I just want it to just be us without any guilt or shame, I finally look at him and say
"I love you dummy" he just smiles and says
"I love you too newbie" I can get used to the sound of those four words coming out of his mouth...those are my new favorite words I love you newbie god it just makes me feel like a 5 year old on Christmas.


I wake up around 12pm after getting back into my room around 4am, I sit up and grab my phone. I smile at his good morning text, I text him back and then get out of bed. I walk out of my room and head down the stairs, when I walk into the kitchen I see my mom making sandwiches
"Morning" I say softly, she looks up and giggles saying
"It's 12:15pm" I shrug my shoulders and grab one of the tuna sandwiches and take a bite
"Well help yourself" I smile and jump up onto the counter
"Why so many sandwiches?" I ask going for another bite
"I am made to much tuna so I'm making them into sandwiches for snacks or whatever" I smile and look out the window above the sink. Rachel was sitting by the pool looking down as she slowly twirled her feet in the pool, I notice my mom follow my gaze so I look away taking another bite from my sandwich
"You should talk to her...you said you would" I sigh and say
"I never said it would be today" she sighs and says
"Honey...you guys are sisters, you can't allow this one mistake drive a wedge between you guys" I look at her wanting to say something completely rude but I can't because she was right...Rachel did fuck up but If I were in her shoes I'd want her to just talk to me. I sigh and hop off the counter and walk out back, when I open the door and close it she looks up then immediately back her feet, it was chilly today thank god our pool is heated. I walk over to her and sit down and place my feet into the water, it was quiet for a while but I finally say
"Rachel...I just want to know why you kept this from me?" She starts to cry after I speak, I immediately feel awful because I've been a complete bitch to her, I know I was angry but she was probably suffering the whole time she kept it from me. I instantly pull her into me as she cries, I rub her back and whisper
"It's ok...it's ok I'm not mad anymore" she cries harder and pulls away saying
"I wanted to tell you I did...I just didn't know how and I didn't want to upset you or make you feel uncomfortable or you yell at me for talking to him" I sigh and wipe her tears away
"Rachel no...no I wouldn't of down any of that, I would of been shocked but I would of been happy for you!" I begin to tear up seeing the pain in her eyes I wanted to take it all back my rage my out lash I wanted to take it all back just so she wouldn't be hurt anymore.
"I thought you'd hate me...but all I did was make you hate me because I kept it from you" I sigh and say
"I could never hate you Rachel you are my sister! And I love you so so so much...even when I was mad I never hated you...I just needed time to calm down...it hurt me to know you couldn't come to me about something so big...it hurt knowing dad didn't want to talk to me or even see me...it hurt knowing you had gotten closure from him and I didn't" she cries and hugs me. I never realized how much I missed her hugs until now...I never realized how much we meant to each other until we didn't talk to each other for weeks. She pulls away and says
"Angelina I am so sorry...could you ever forgive me?" I smile softly and wipe her eyes again and say
"I forgave you the moment I sat next to you" she smiles and just lays her head on my shoulder looking at the pool, I missed these moments...just us in silence only needing each other's company, I finally say after 10 minutes
"Are you still talking to him?" She sighs and says
"No...when he refused to come see you I realized he was trying to amend what he broke with you through me...he wanted to make it seem like he wasn't as bad as he was when he left but when he couldn't even face you...I knew he eventually couldn't face me" I smile and say softly
"When did you become mature" she laughs and looks at me and says
"I didn't forget about those hickys...we're they from Colin?" I laugh totally forgetting she doesn't know me and Colin were done.
"Actually...from Daniel"
"Shut the fuck up!" She says with a big smile, I laugh and look at my hands
"Yeahhh...so after Colin blew me off at the party me and Daniel kind of got into a fight and then we made out and it kind of just took off from there" Rachel near screams my name when I tell her about everything and I just turn red, I loved talking to her about everything...for once everything felt back to normal just the only difference is Daniel.
"So Anna is ok with all of this?" And then everything felt like that guilty feeling I didn't even have to say anything for Rachel to understand
"Angelina...she's like your best friend you have to tell her...especially if you love Daniel"
"I know...I know I will, I just don't know how I'm going to tell her or what I'm going to say...I will never be like her other fake friends who ditch her for Daniel I would still be her best friend...just dating her brother" Rachel doesn't say anything but grab my hand, I say softly after she grabs my hand
"I just don't want to lose neither of them...for the first time since Florida I feel genuinely happy being apart of their group, having good friends and possibly having a relationship for the first time since Spencer...I just don't want to ruin anything"
"Then you need to tell her, if you keep pushing it aside it's just going to keep becoming easier until it ends up coming out at the wrong time" I don't say anything because I know she's right I just wasn't ready yet.
"Let's go play just dance this topic became too grim" she doesn't say anything because she knows I am trying to change the subject but I didn't want to think about how I was going to break it to Anna that I was secretly smashing her brother, I wanted to hang with my sister and catch up with her. I'll tell Anna I will but for now I want to be with her.

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