"Chapter 9"

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Angelina's POV:

I slap my hand on my alarm clock when I hear it chime, I lay there staring at my ceiling not really wanting to get up at 7:30am on a Saturday, but you know Rachel decided to die the night before. Ugh..the night before I had totally forgotten how Daniel tried to lay one on me, and how I completely freaked out in front of him. I groan and cover my face with my blanket wanting to sink into a black hole, I hear my phone ring after a couple of minutes and pull my blanket off my face and look at my phone and answer it.
"Yes mom" I say softly still trying to get up
"Angelina, I need you to bring Rachel's phone and charger here when you come and some change of clothes for us both. I ordered you an Uber, it's on its way so please get out of bed and get ready." She says in a tired voice, I sigh and look at the clock
"Yes sir" I say trying to make my mom laugh
"Angelina please be serious, I'll see you soon love bye" I say I love you then hang up my phone sitting up, I walk to the bathroom and brush my hair and throw it into a messy bun then brush my teeth. After I get ready I pack Rachel and my mom some extra clothes and grab her phone and charger. I walked down the stairs and hear Rachel's phone chime, I typically don't snoop because it's not my business on what Rachel does but I figured it was one of her friends wondering why she hasn't texted back. I open her phone and click on the notification and read the message,
"What the actual fuck" I say to myself, I reread the message then scroll up to see the other messages. She had been messaging our dad, for what seems like months, I didn't know what to say I didn't what to think. For some reason I thought I'd be some what excited to the idea of maybe reconnecting with him after all these years but all I felt was anger. I walk out of my house when my mom texts me that the Uber is there, I get in and smile softly then just look out the window trying to process everything that has happened within the last 24 hours plus the couple of minutes. When we finally arrive at the hospital I thank the girl then get out and walk in checking in for visiting hours, I walk to Rachel's room and smiles softly to my mom and hand her the bag.
"Do you work tonight?" I ask her when she stands up and takes the bag then hugs me.
"No, I called off thank you love for bringing everything." She says with a soft smile, I look over at Rachel asleep and then back at my mom when I feel her staring at me.
"What?" I ask
"Are you ok love? You seem off, more off then usual when Rachel gets super sick" she says softly, I look at her then at Rachel's phone in my hand. I didn't know if I should say anything about what I saw to her or Rachel,
"Just exhausted crazy night and morning" I say, technically it wasn't a lie since both last night and this morning was crazy. She nods her head then rubs my arm saying she's going to go change and find food. I sit down in the chair and look at her sleep then lay my head back and close my eyes. I feel someone poke my face and a weak giggle, I open my eyes and see Rachel sitting up in her bed giggling softly then a cough. I roll my eyes and fix my body in the chair
"You have been out for 2 hours, did you know you snore?" She says softly with a goofy smile on her face, I giggle and pull my knees to my chest and rest my chin on them
"I do not...how are you feeling?" I ask her, she shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite of the crush ice
"I mean I'm living" she says as she chews, I smile and then look at the floor, I decided not to say anything since it wouldn't be the right time.
"Sorry if I caused a fright last night but I heard Daniel drove us" she says softly setting her cup down with a smirk. I smile and shake my head
"I'm just happy you are ok," I say, she  groans and lays her head back
"Did he stay or did he just leave...come on distract me from this mess" she says looking at me with a big smile, I turn red
"Well I freaked out in front of him, he had to take you in...then when he came back to check on me he tried to kiss me" I say, Rachel's eyes grew wide and her mouth was open with the biggest grin
"Omg Rachel it's not that serious" I say turning even more red, I bet I looked like a tomato
"Uh yes the fuck it is! You're telling me that you almost got kissed by that fine ass man!" She says, I nod my head slowly and smile awkwardly
"And you didn't kiss BACK!" She says, and again I nod my head and smile awkwardly. She slaps her forehead and groans
"He has a girlfriend Rachel! I will not kiss a man with a girl and hello I kinda hate him, he's really annoying" I say lifting my head up
"Oh who gives a fuck we all know they'll break up soon everyone says she cheats! You need to find someone to distract your mind!" She says, I don't say anything, then I look around
"Where's mom?" I ask finally
"She's on the phone with someone...don't change the subject!" She says. I giggle and look at my phone,
"I have to go soon me and Anna are watching a movie at 11" I say now standing up and stretching, I look at her and she's smirking at me
"I can stay if you want?" I say setting my bag down, she shakes her head and tells me to go. I kiss her head then walk out of her room and wait for an Uber.


Anna and I sat around her room watching To all the Boys I've Loved Before, she was mainly texting Jack the whole time about god knows what and has been giggling kicking her feet.
"I should head out, I have this English assignment I have to finish" I say standing up, she sets her phone down and jumps up
"Nooo I'm off my phone I promise! Jack and I were just talking about what we want to do tonight and then making fun of franny and her new boyfriend" she says chuckling softly, I look at her confused then to the side...maybe that's why he tried to kiss me, he probably was trying to distract us both from our own problems and thoughts. Though it wasn't the best way to do that but I guess I would probably do the same if I were in his shoes.
"What are you thinking about?" She ask, pulling me out of my thoughts
"Oh uh I just didn't know Daniel and her had broken up" I say
"Yeah he dumped her just yesterday... it's funny because she still wants us all to go to her party next week" she says with a giggle and sits back down. I sit down as well and say
"Isn't that awkward though? I mean you all are Daniels friends and you're literally his sister"
"She wants to show off that's all but she's going to look stupid so everyone agreed to go and see the shit show! Will you go now that everyone's gonna go???" She ask with a hopeful smile. I smile and shake my head
"Nope you won't catch me there" I say then stand up.
"I really do have to go, I have to call my mom to see how Rachel's holding up and finish that assignment" I say, she sighs and rolls her eyes saying whatever. I giggle then hug her and walk out of her room and down the stairs, when I open the front door I see Daniel by the tree that sat in between our houses. I think if I should say anything or not...though it would be awkward if I didn't since I would have to pass him to get to my yard.
"Hey...I heard about you and franny are you ok?" I say looking down at him, he looks up and smiles that dumb ass smile of his.
"Yeah just peachy" he says, I nod my head and head to my front door I'm happy he didn't make things awkward and now we can go back to disliking one another...I hope.

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