Chapter 13 - Incoming Newcomer

Start from the beginning

"Thank Primus we are back in busy baby! Hail to lord Megatron!" 

Soundwave glared at Nitrozeus's antics and obnoxious way of speaking as he began his decent toward Earth. 

"All hail lord Megatron." Was a collective statement in celebration for new orders and the decepticons revival. 


When Lauren awoke, she was in a feverish daze. Her mind felt fuzzy and clouded. Without thinking, she moved to sit up and hissed in pain. She blinked away what sleepiness she could and panned her sights out the passenger window to watch the scenery whip past in a blur. "Where are we...?" Came her mumbled question as nausea crept up on her.

"A randevu. Do not be impatient, girl." His response further rumbled the truck courteously of his ever present gruffness. 

Lauren grunted in acknowledgment, but couldn't find it within herself to question him further. Her eyes roamed the truck's cab and she soon spotted the small radio with peaked interest. 

Shakily, she reached out and twisted the dial, it was static, but soon caught a station. 

A breathy laugh escaped her and she curled onto her side with a cough, wiping some sweat from her neck. Silently, she mumbled along to the familiar lyrics as her eyelids grew too heavy for her to keep open. 

"You can never say never. While we don't know when. But time and time again. Younger now than we were before. Don't let me go."

Her body was burning and her breath labored, but she meekly kept soft tune with the song. Megatron made a point to push himself and his speed limits in a attempt to reach his point faster. Unbeknownst to Lauren, he'd dialed back the station to be quieter as she whispered the lyrics blearily. 

"Far as the eye can see under your command. I will be your guardian when all is crumbling, I'll steady your hand."

The lyrics were soon lost on her tongue and she slipped back beneath unconsciousness, her head rolled back and legs slacked, her flesh dawning a flush. He switched the station off swiftly, ridding himself of its nuisance. 

It wasn't much longer before his coordinates lined up exactly where he wanted them; the furthermost point triangulated between the nearest human outposts the large rock structure would serve him as a temporary shelter in his dire time. 

With haste, he transformed and held Lauren's form close as he hunched and made his way within the rock formation. The temperature difference was palpable and it was well in depth, secluded, and reasonably safe. It was defendable. 

Pulling the makeshift hood from his helm, he tossed it to the ground and rested her atop it. She stirred slightly, but did not wake. 

He left her to the dark and emerged, the sun was to start its decent in moments time. His men would arrive in due time. His spark surged with newfound rejuvenation as he awaited patiently. 

Nightfall was quick to snuff out the sun's light and Lauren soon awoke with a shiver. Her fingers brushed the thick canvas and she was quick to pull it over her in preservation of the little warmth she had. Through the darkness, she could make out Megatron's foreboding silhouette outlined by pale moonlight. He was sat with a knee propped up. 

With difficulty, the brunette clambered to her feet with the rock wall as support. Lightheadedness nearly brought her crumbling back to the floor, but she persisted weakly. She'd never felt so sick in her whole life and it was draining every last drop of energy from her. Bags clawed at her under eyes in an ugly display of sleep deprivation and her stomach churned hungrily with nausea to accompany the unpleasant feeling. 

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now