"We can't just assume someone's life Jungkook their are always someone who might be suffering way more than we can imagine"

"Btw what type of boy is he Jungkook" Jhope asked.

"He umm he is a very quiet boy he will only talk when you ask him something I have never seen him smile also and he is perfect at every work he do and can you believe it on his first he cleaned my whole house in a single day without eating anything" Jungkook said.

"What seriously!!" Jhope was amazed to hear that.

"Yes hyung and his cooking skill is also so nice here have a taste" Jungkook said and offer him a spoon of food from his tiffin.

"Wahhh!!! it's so tasty can I have some more".

"Okay here" Jungkook offered.

"So listen I don't know what type of boy he is but atleast try to talk with him he is now under your care Jungkook though he is here for work but he is still a small boy maybe he is good boy who will never betray you like me or your other hyungs".

"Maybe you are right but I know you all from my childhood but I have just met him a few days ago I can't trust him easily. But I will talk with him nicely".

"Good now let's get back to work and if you find any trouble about something just come to hmm"

"Okay sure hyung".

Jungkook's house -

It's 8 pm and Jungkook is returning home with the medicine and ointments Jin prescribed him.

"Jimin" he called.

Jimin came out from the kitchen and bowed.

"Sit on couch and strip" jungkook said.

"W....what ma..ster please no" jimin said with teary eyes.

"Hey don't cry I will not do anything I promise just come here" Jungkook said with a smile.

Jimin nervously sat on the couch but he can't open his clothes and reveal his bruises not knowing Jungkook has already saw them.

Jungkook understood and said "jimin I have already seen your marks on your body when the doctor came on morning it's okay just open your clothes I have brought some ointments for them".

Jimin can't believe what he is saying he never expected someone to bring ointments for him.

"It's okay I am fine" jimin lied.

"How can you be fine I know you are in pain just open your clothes I will apply the ointment" Jungkook said.

Jimin slowly opened his shirt revealing his smooth white skin to Jungkook. Jungkook was mesmerized to see jimin like that even with the marks he is still looking so beautiful but he has more marks on his back.

"You have more marks on your back so turn around I will first treat them".

"Master I can apply on my own" jimin said.

"I said turn" Jungkook said sternly and Jimin followed.

He slowly applied the ointment on his back and everytime he touched Jimin would wince biting his lip not to shout.

"How did this happen to you?" Jungkook couldn't help but asked.

But Jimin didn't reply and looked down. Jungkook thought maybe he is scared to say so he didn't ask anymore.

"Okay it's done now turn" he slowly applied the ointment on his stomach.

But when he looked up at Jimin and their eyes met they kept on staring on each other for sometime. Suddenly Jungkook press hard on jimin stomach and he winced making them realise and both of looked away.

Nothing Without You [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now