Chapter 12 - Discernment

Start from the beginning

A bud of panic rooted deep within her as she searched the surrounding area flutily.

Wetness glossed over her eyes and she groaned in pain as she attempted to get to her feet with what strength she still had. Her damp clothes stuck to her skin, grossly stained with her blood, mud, and grease.

"Megatron...!" She croaked desperately.

Had he left her here? Had she been abandoned again...?

Lauren bit down on her lip to silence her cries as a flurry of emotions swept over her like a rolling storm. She stumbled to the ground once more and succumbed to her own sorrow in a wallow. 


"Areal view indicates military outposts west of your coordinates." Came the even tone of Soundwave.

With squared shoulders, Megatron readied his artillery. "You've pleased me Soundwave." He grunted with the back of his throat.

"Autobot Ratchet has been decommissioned, sir."

Megatron kept silent on his previous encounter with the bounty hunter as the outpost came into distant view, he snarled. "Report later, Soundwave."


His coms went silent after that exchange and he halted as his optics scanned over the most compatible vehicle of choice, which was another truck in question, dawning more of a beige pallet.

Admits his configuration, his spark jerked sharply and he roared lowly at the suddenness. "Patience, fragile one."

He came upon the outpost swiftly and undetected in his new alt form.

Once beyond the pathetic gates, he swiftly transformed to begin his onslaught. Stealth had never been his preferred method of infantry.

He roared for all to hear as he revenged the camp. The screams of agony and fear made his processors surge with a long thirsted after blood lust. "Disgusting," He obliterated one building after the other. "Human scrap!" A man liquified under his stomp.

"All hail Megatron!" He roared to his fullest, lionizing in the death of it all.

No human remained in his destruction as he turned the outpost into a grave yard. His weapons returned beneath his plating and he kicked through the debris in search of what he had came for.

The decepticon was not informed on what humans could and could not consume safely, not versed in what it took to keep one alive.

He growled out in disdain as he ripped miscellaneous items from the ruble with his only filter being; organic.

The decepticon warlord didn't account that his method of assault would likely ruin the integrity of most everything. She would have to make due with whatever he got.

His spark pulsated again and he grunted at the way it knocked around within its chamber. The whole thing was foreign to him and it grated on his nerves.

He knew that all the things he was feeling were not of his own doing, but of her's. It was odd and he did not welcome the change.

Once he had collected whatever he could he turned to leave, snagging a large, thick piece of canvas in his retreat. He threw it up over his helm much like how she had used the tarp to cover him.

Once back in his alt form, he sped off, sending a cloud of sand up behind his aft.

It wasn't long until he approached the small makeshift camp he'd set up. The first thing that greeted him was hoarse, bellowing sobs and the erratic heartbeat of Lauren.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now