Chapter I (1): Early Waking (II)

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"Blue... it's you... still not gonna tell me your name?" Ferno responded, to the one he calls 'Blue'

The silver-haired youth replied with a stern expression "The name 'Blue' you refer to me as is already a mockery, but that's the only tolerance you'll get."

Ferno feels something is amidst between them, he Inquired " there a reason... you're here?"

"You catch on quick." he remarks, "Your relationship with master."

Ferno's eyes lit up at the slight mention, "Oh? Master Mile--" But was interrupted him with a swift and sharp motion, drawing a blade and holding it inches from Ferno's eyes, a silent warning. "Do not, say her name. It is disrespectful."

Ferno was taken aback, his eyes wide with fear. "I-I'm sorry...I--"

Blue sheathed the blade with a hint of impatience, ready to turn away. "I will only speak of this once. Don't get too comfy." he said, taking a few steps before glancing back over his shoulder. "Especially when it comes to Master."

Ferno stood there, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him, feeling both sadness and confusion by the encounter.

"...What...did...i do...?" remains repeated in his mind.

Ferno's consciousness who viewed these memories felt more lost with many more questions, "I don't remember any of this..."

Another vision emerged.
With boys gathering around to share stories and laughter, while Ferno watched from a distance.

An invisible wall separating him from their camaraderie. He longed to be part of their world but found himself perpetually isolated.

Try as he might, Ferno couldn't escape the feeling of being different. a quiet, introspective soul, seeking solace in his thoughts amid the clamor of youthful exuberance.

Then, a dark and stormy day enveloped him, heavy rain pouring down relentlessly. A crimson-bladed was thrust into a massive rock, exuding an ominous allure, as if it held answers to his profound sense of solitude.

As the memories continued, Ferno's unease grew. Suddenly, a voice intruded, whispering, "Blood... more blood..."

His consciousness trembled. "Huh? Who... said that?"

Abruptly, silence enveloped him, and Ferno found himself adrift in an abyss, surrounded by an overwhelming emptiness. He sensed a presence, as if someone had watched his lonely journey.

Finally, the memories receded with a deafening bang. Ferno gasped for breath, disoriented and dizzy, lying by the door. "What... what was that??" he whispered, clutching his head.

A knock echoed on the door. "Hey, Ferno, are you awake? I'm going out for the day, okay?" It was Dhan, Ferno's caretaker.

Still reeling from his past, Ferno remained silent, his thoughts awash with the echoes of loneliness. "Dhan's awake? I thought he was still asleep..."

He glanced at the wall clock and was shocked. "It's... 11 AM?" he said, bewildered.

Ferno's eyes dropped to his hand, and he gasped in confusion as he recognized the object he held. "It's... the sword?"

 the sword?"

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