Round 301 • November 5-November 11, 2023

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COMMENTING PERIOD: Sunday, November 5–Saturday, November 11, 2023 11:59 P.M. PDT


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COMMENT TOPIC: Symbolism in writing involves use of a place, animal, person, or thing to convey complicated themes or ideas. Well known examples from literature include Shakespeare's use of Yorick's skull to represent life, death, and fate (reference site: Did the author use symbolism in the book and if so, how? Min. length: 6 sentences. Please post in the last chapter of this week's assignment.

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META ANALYSIS (Each chapter, in-line comments, at least 5 per chapter):

👍 or THUMBS UP-Elaborate why you think so. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

or NEEDS CAFFEINE-Elaborate why you think improvement is needed. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

💓 or HEART RACING (feeling excitement) [OPTIONAL]

😥 or TEARS (crying or feeling very emotional) [OPTIONAL]

or HEART (love something, more than a thumbs up) [OPTIONAL]

😵 or CONFUSED (don't understand something) [OPTIONAL]

😂 or LAUGHING (made you laugh) [OPTIONAL]

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Member: Partner Partner's Book - Chapters

ENFORCER: AmericanBruja

RonASewell • JLAnderson0713 Of Blood and Honor - 54

JLAnderson0713 • Psychadelish The Flame Game - 18

Psychadelish • JLAnderson0713 In the Name of Love - 27

RichardPDX • MGHicks_Reloaded Origin-Gods Among Us - Character Analysis 4 [see instructions below]

MGHicks_Reloaded • RichardPDX Zeus-25 Praxis - 31, 32

Echo4Echo • AmericanBruja American Bruja: The Los Angeles Cauldron - HIATUS

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AmericanBruja • Echo4Echo Letters to Maxine - HIATUS

IanReeve216 • AuthorJMColes Betrayal (Book 3) - 12.3, 13.1, 13.2

AuthorJMColes • IanReeve216 The Rings of Salammis - Review [please see instructions below]

JaxonBlacc • KGravez The Dark Between Dreams - 19, 20

Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 5 • 2023Where stories live. Discover now