Membership Form

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A copy of this form is available in the comments on this line, so you can copy and paste it.

NOTE: Both administrators are working professionals whose jobs demand a lot of time. We check the Wayfarers' account for messages and applications on the weekends only (Saturday or Sunday nights only, depending on the admin on duty). If you have a question that needs a quicker reply, please contact them directly through their personal accounts: SapphireAlena • AmericanBruja

✧ ∙ ° : * ✧ ∙ ° : * ∙ ° ✧

WAYFARER'S LAMPPOST BOOK CLUB [Put this line at the top of your message.]

Username [notify the club immediately if you change]:

Story Link:

Book Title:

List chapters longer than 3000 words and their word counts:


Rating (G, PG, PG-13, R) [If PG-13 or R, indicate why it would receive that rating—violence, profanity, graphic gore, and/or sex]:


Number of textual chapters [Do not include cast lists, disclaimers, maps, and chapters that do not include the actual story]:

Chapter(s) climax is in [the climax for the entire story or last act, not each individual act]:

Life status [adult not taking classes, college/university student, high school student]:

Which 1 genre will you absolutely not read?

Which 5 genres do you prefer to read?

Will you read mature books?

Do you agree to read your partner's entire book and complete the character arc and plot progression reviews as well as weekly reader engagement [Yes/No]?

Did you read and follow the rules [Yes/No]?

Password [found in the General Book Club Rules Chapter]:

Type of critique you are seeking [Meta Analysis, Beta Reading, Light Editing]:

Type(s) of critique(s) you are comfortable/capable of providing [Meta Analysis, Beta Reading, Light Editing]:

If requesting a Beta Reader, is your book completely published on Wattpad [Yes/No, not finished writing/No, finished writing but not finished posting]?

Number of chapters you prefer critiquing each week [average chapter length = 2000 words]:

Anything else we need to know?

✧ ∙ ° : * ✧ ∙ ° : * ∙ ° ✧

Send this form via Direct Message to .

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Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 5 • 2023Where stories live. Discover now