Wayfarer's Critique Boutique Options

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Wrigrophobia: noun

The fear of joining another writer's group that will likely wind up being a waste of time.

So, you've checked out a few writer's groups, and none of them seem to be right.

Stop the madness and ask yourself these questions.

☆ Are those clubs you've seen one-size-fits-all?

☆ Are you looking for specific feedback?

☆ Do you have to review several chapters from multiple members every go around?

☆ Is the feedback you're receiving not helping you improve your book?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then read on my friend.

Help is on the horizon.

Your time is precious and you want to get the most for what you give, right?

Of course, you do.

You're in luck. Wayfarer's Lamppost is one of the longest-running writing clubs on Wattpad. Our membership is as diverse as the books, and our participation levels are chosen by the members, not the club.

After you become a member of Wayfarer's Lamppost, you'll be paired up with a writer whose genre you've selected. After you've had a chance to peek at their project (and they yours), you'll become critique partners for the duration of your books. Of course, you'll get a chance to reject a book during the "sneak-peek," so you don't have to worry about being stuck with a project that isn't a good fit for you.

Before you begin, you each will choose one of these three basic levels of editing. Members will often go beyond the agreed upon critique, but it's not mandatory. You often will get back what you receive, such as it is in life.

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How It Works

• Members will be assigned to the same partner/book until the book is completed.

• Each member will read a specified number chapters of her partner's book per week and provide feedback. While members are allowed to choose how many chapters they prefer to read each week, we recommend 3 chapters per week for meta analysis, 6 chapters per week for beta readers, and 2 chapters per week for light editing. (Chapter length based on an average of 2,000 words.)

• Non-writers may be members as well.

Partner Critique Options

Option 1: Meta Analysis [original Wayfarer's Lamppost analysis]

Complete the Comment Topic for the week.

Provide five sentences of General Comments per chapter.

Complete at least five lines of Meta Analysis per chapter.

After all of the chapters have been completed, the member will comment on 3 character arcs (MC, partner, and villain) as well as the plot progression across the entire book.

META ANALYSIS (Each chapter, in-line comments, at least 5 per chapter):

👍 or THUMBS UP—Elaborate why you think so. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

or NEEDS CAFFEINE—Elaborate why you think improvement is needed. (at least one time each chapter [1 MANDATORY per chapter])

💓 or HEART RACING (feeling excitement) [OPTIONAL]

😥 or TEARS (crying or feeling very emotional) [OPTIONAL]

or HEART (love something, more than a thumbs up) [OPTIONAL]

😵 or CONFUSED (don't understand something) [OPTIONAL]

😂 or LAUGHING (made you laugh) [OPTIONAL]

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Option 2: Beta Read

Just as it sounds, your partner will be reading your book from beginning to end, at which time they'll answer fifteen (15) of the beta reader questions you select. This is a great opportunity to see how a reader responds to your work. Or, maybe they'll shed light on a few plot holes. Some writers actually pay for beta readers, but for Wayfarer's Lamppost members, it's just another benefit when you join the club. Beta readers will also be required to answer the Comment Topic questions each week.

NOTE TO BETA WRITERS: Your manuscript must be completed to select this option, even if you are still in the process of publishing it on Wattpad. Those still publishing, should be following a regular update schedule and have the schedule listed in your profile. If you haven't finished writing your book yet, please select a different critique option.

NOTE TO BETA READERS: Those Wayfarer's members in beta read partnerships are encouraged to keep a journal (electronic or otherwise) that tracks their partner's beta questions. This will facilitate the quality feedback that they (and you) expect. Waiting to build opinions and draw summary conclusions at the end of a beta read partnership is inherently difficult, both in recalling specific examples to illustrate how we arrived at our opinions and conclusions and in ability to provide other feedback critical to a successful beta read partnership. RULE OF THUMB: List the 15 questions and take notes while reading each week that support those questions.

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Option 3: Light Editing*

This option consists of your partner pointing out punctuation and grammar errors, providing some developmental and line edits, and generally scrutinizing your manuscript for consistency and readability. Due to the nature of editing, Comment Topic questions will not be part of the requirements.

*Remember, most members are not certified editors, but they will do their best.*

Also, we will ask members before assigning them a task what style they prefer. There's more information on each of these options in the following chapter(s).

Sound good so far?


Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 5 • 2023Where stories live. Discover now