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Zane ran into his house and looked into his eyes with a worried but smiling Shane. Shane was sitting with his parents and Chance at a table talking. Zane sighed, went to Shane, and grabbed his hand, pulling him upstairs silently as his family protested. When Zane's door was closed he put Shane on the bed and stood in front of him silently. Shane nodded in silence, letting Zane catch his thoughts. Shane's heart melted when he realized Shane was giving him the space he mentally needed, but held his hand and caressed it as comfort.

"I'm sorry," Zane starts, dropping to his knees. "I'm sorry for everything."

Shane raised a brow, taking his hand away from Zane's, instead putting it under Zane's chin to pull them closer.

"What are you apologizing for?" Shane whispered.

"Everything. I'm sorry for letting you get close to me. I'm sorry for introducing you into my fucked up life. I'm sorry for putting you in harm's way. I'm sorry I fell in love with you so quickly," he said with salty stinging eyes.

"Baby, Zane; why?" Shane slid off of the bed and onto his knees to meet eye-to-eye with Zane. "What's going on?"

Zane let his tears slip, "I'm sorry. We have to end this."

Zane felt his heart rip in 2 as he said those words. Those 5 words made everything so real and raw. He was putting Shane in danger by loving him. He had to end it.

He let a sob escape as Shane did not react. He mentally begged for Shane to kiss him, wrap him in his hold, and tell him everything would be okay. He wanted to sink into the comfort of his bed, holding his lover, letting the world pass them by. He wanted to sling Shane over his shoulder and ran away to where it was safe. But nowhere was safe if Zane was there. His past lingered in his shadow everywhere he went, and he knew one day it would catch up to him and hurt him and who he loved.

"Say something, please," he begged with a sob.

"Why?" Shane asked, his voice cracking as he tried to hold in his emotions. "Why Z, what happened?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, it's dangerous, we can't be together. I'm so sorry for putting you in harm's way," he cried, bringing his hands to his eyes.

"Zane, I'm not hurt, I'm not in danger, you haven't put me in harm's way. Where is this coming from?"

"You will be! If I don't end this right now you'll get hurt."

Shane stopped, swallowed, and raised his hands to grab Zane's wrist. He pulled gently, taking away the cover from his lover's eyes. He watched the tears stream down Zane's face, feeling scared for his lover. His savior was saying he was putting Shane in danger. It couldn't be possible.

"Zane, stop. Please, just stop. Whatever is happening we'll work through it together," he tried to reason only to get Zane shaking his head in denial. "Yes, we will."

"No, we won't. I'm sorry, but I can't. We can't. You can't. This can't go on. I'm breaking up with you Shane. Until everything's safe at least. I don't want to lose you, ever, but I'm dangerous to be around. If you stay with me you'll have a target on your back," he raised his voice, trying to get his lover to hear his reasons. "Let me make everything safe, I'll make my world safe for you, then I'll come back. I'll come back, and we can be happy, and you can be safe," he sobbed again, his voice still loud with his distress. "I love you, and that's why we can't be together anymore. It's not safe."

Shane finally let himself cry. Zane was breaking up with him. That's all he heard. Those words played like a broken record in his head. He stood and turned to the door, letting a sob finally escape his lips. He yanks the door open and runs down the stairs. He grabbed his bag from the living room. The Williams family watched him sob, standing to try and comfort him but he just held his hand up.

"Shane, are you okay?" Will asked, taking another step forward.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. Thank you for everything," Shane sobbed and tried to smile, but it only looked like pain.

He turned around and opened the front door and ran out. He sobbed and yelled in mental pain as he ran to his aunt's house. Halfway through he threw his bag to the ground, stomped on it, and cursed. He fell next to his bag in the grass and cried as he stared at the sky. Memories of him and Zane stargazing at night flashes through his mind. It was a mental torture.

Will and Sara went upstairs to check on their son, only to find his door shut and locked, his rock music blaring on the inside. They tried to knock, to unlock the door and enter, but they failed. They tried to shout over the music, only to face silence from their son. 

Zane cried on his floor, pounding at the ground until he felt his fracture screaming in pain. He kept punching the ground, letting out his misery and anger, his pain and fear, pummeling it all into the wood. Heated energy was coursing through him, he stopped his music, yanked open his door, and went downstairs. His family sat in the main room, in silence, waiting for him. When they stood to greet him he was already out the front door and running as fast as he could with no destination in mind. 

He needed to run. He needed to get his energy out. He needed to do something about his anger and his agony. He found himself running until he was at the edge of the city an hour later. He slid down a brick wall and caught his breath, continuing to ignore his blaring phone as he had been the past hour. He instead called a taxi and went to the only place he knew he could release his anger.

The taxi stopped half a mile away from the warehouse, so Zane walked the rest of the way, ignoring the way his hand screamed at him in pain, and keeping his throbbing feet from giving out on him. He punched in the passcode and walked to the desk. Alma watched wide-eyed, thinking for a second that she was seeing a ghost. Until Zane was directly in front of her. She watched in horror, surprise, and happiness. She walked around the desk and pulled the teenager into her embrace.

"We missed you, Zach. We thought you wouldn't ever come back," she whispered to him.

"Is Big B in right now?"

"Yes. I'll call him and tell him you're coming up."

"Don't," Zane separated the hold. "He likes it when I come crawling back to him, he likes it that way."

She smiled and nodded, going back to her desk and motioned for him to go up.

Zane marched up the metal stairs to the third floor, he didn't knock and didn't announce his arrival. He stepped inside and straight to Big B's desk. He wasn't at the desk, he turned to the workout room and heard nothing, but he heard the shower going. He sat in the chair in front of the desk and powered off his phone.

He closed his eyes and remembered everything from working under Big B. He closed his eyes and remembered as he waited for his old boss to step out.

Bad Boy And The Emo Fall In-Love (remake)Where stories live. Discover now