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The boy kept his pace even though his heart told him to run faster, to loose the man.. He took a left turn into the darkness that started the walking path leading to the park. It was a 20 to 25 foot stretch of darkness because the city was "too poor" to change the light bulb in the outed light post.

The feet were still behind him, but Leigh had added distance. Maybe he saw where the boy went or maybe he didn't? The boy was thrilled to play this game.. a last time, if that.. with him. His chest heaved as he leaned against the out light post. Thanks to Sir, he had incredible low light vision. A figure scooted past him with the smell of spicy musk wafting in the wake of dust.

It was the same scent.. He could hear the man's heavy footsteps on the edge of the darkened area, where the dim light of a light post further down burned.

'Halt!' Leigh commanded firmly, moving nearly soundlessly through the low bushes that have yet to have their new growth trimmed.

Surprisingly, the man stood still. His back was basked in dim light and the boy couldn't make out his features in the shadow. But this is how it was, he thought. I never saw him.


Leigh cut him off. 'Did I give you fucking permission to speak?'

The man moved from slouching over to his full height. Leigh could see his chest moving rapidly and hear his panting breath move through his nose.

'You ruined me,' Leigh repeated again. This time firmly. 'You fucked me up so horribly.. made me crave only you.. search you out an anyone that I let have my body.. I can't..'

The boy's eyes filled with tears. He swallowed them down, not wanting to give the man satisfaction of hearing them. 'Don't move!' He yelled when he saw the man take a step forward.

'I won't, Bunny.'

'Don't call me that! You don't deserve to..' the boy spoke voice thick with betraying tears. 'You took me.. forced me.. made me rely on you.. and TOSSED ME.. away like fucking trash..'

There was a long silence between them. The man shifted his feet and the boy jumped, a little spooked. But he remembered he had the power here.

'Answer me.. Trent.' The name came out like a curse. 'Why are you chasing me around town? Just a little piece of litter on the side of the road. Nothing more than gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. You got rid of me once..'

The boy was calm now, able to say what he wanted for so long and ask the big question. He wanted to know the reason no matter how arbitrary. His soul would be cleansed and he could heal or like the therapist said, "The answer might spiral you back into darkness. Why not take the lesser of two evils? You can be unknowing and forgive so you can move on."

Leigh was a curious kid always. Because of this man, he liked pain.. too.

'I didn't throw you away, Leighton.' The boy felt weak at the use of his name, coming from that voice. That low timber caused his body to break out in a pleasurable shiver. 'I gave you back.'

The words bounced around in Leigh's head making all the good feeling disappear. What the fucking hell was this asshole saying? 'What utter nonsense!' The boy roared and broke out into a run toward the man.

He tackled the larger body and forced them both into the light. He stradded the man and grabbed him by the lapels of his suit jacket. His fist rained down, hitting the man in a blind rage, anywhere and everywhere he could. But he stopped short, when the man did nothing to stop him.

Leigh knew how strong this man was. He had carried him around like he was a doll weighing nothing. Looking down, the man's nose and lip were bloody. He even managed to cut his eyebrow, but the man did nothing.. only rested his palms on the boy's bent knees. This broke the boy. He started crying, with his face pointed to the sky. All his tough resolve melted away knowing he was really no match for this man.. or himself.

The man reached up, cupping his large hand around the boy's neck for a moment before caressing his cheek and using his thumb to wipe the warm tears. 'I wanted you.. from the moment I saw you.'

Leigh looked down, still allowing him to touch him. 'I just thought you were lonely without connection. It wasn't until I saw your family devoutly searching for you.. that I returned you.'

'Ha.. ha.. hahaha..' he laughed at the man's explanation. He really had no other reaction. 'If I had no family, who loved me, I'd still be with you.. is what you are telling me? What a load of bullshit!'

Leigh pushed the man's hand off him but stayed straddling him. It was selfishness that kept him there. He could feel the man's heat, but it wasn't hard. Maybe the man knew it too..

'How many others, Trent?' He cursed the name. It wasn't right. His tormentor didn't have a face or a real name. Sir was him.. and him alone.

The boy groaned, leaning hard into his ass to apply pressure to what he knew could be a log under his butt. 'Don't answer that.. I don't care.. I can't play with you anymore..'

He tried to get up. He found he couldn't. The man wasn't holding him back. It was himself. He leaned forward to plant his hands on the man's chest and shivered. This chest was bigger than he remembered. He copped a feel, then remembered himself and dragged his nails across the larger man's chest, hoping he caught a nipple.

'Bunny,' the man hissed below him, 'this is dangerous..'

'You're worried about that now?'

The boy leaned over him, not worried about the situation they were in. Not fucking caring at all. He was shamefully hard, wet, and pressing it into the man's hard lower stomach. His hips moved on their own. He was sick for wanting into to fuck him wildly. The man below him was a beast.. no man at all.

Leigh bathed the man's face in his saliva as he gingerly, impishly licked the drying blood from his face. The man's grip on his knees moved upward onto his lower thighs and tightened.

'Bunny' was growled low and rumbled through the boy's body.

His whole boy shivered and his dick twitched. The log under him hardened causing him to tease the bastard more. 'I hate how much I react to your stupid being.. you fucking beast.'

The boy's words were hot and low in the shell of the man's ear as he raked his hands down the wide chest. The man moved his hands from lower thigh (close to the knees) to mid thigh and squeezed. His teeth were unforgiving when they bit into the sweaty neck of the man. The mixture of dry and wet sweat with blood tingled and seemed to burn the boy's tongue. He pulled back enjoying the poison, grinding slowly on the man's erection.

'You're a beast.. a brute.. under that fahh-cade,' he moaned the last feeling the wonderful friction of their bodies together once again. 'I hate you.. I fucking hate.. you..'

'I know, my sweet, sweet bunny..' the man tried to soothe, rubbing circles into the thighs of his bunny.

'Hey! HEY!' yelled out a voice. Both men looked in the direction of the voice. 'Are you alright over there?'

Leigh scrambled up to his feet quickly and looked down at the beast still laying below him. The man offered him a smirk before lifting his hand. Leigh stared at it, not knowing what he would be agreeing to in leu of helping the man to his feet.

The person was upon them now. It was a police officer patrolling the walking path on foot. The cop offered to help the man up. Leigh was thankful for the rescue and rolled his eyes at the cop's reaction to the oversized man. They spoke about a few things. It was surprising how personable the beast was. The boy stayed quiet much like the meek bunny he was, not really able to trust his voice.

Trent Larkin, as he introduced himself, assured the officer that everything was alright, that he and his boyfriend were having a little tiff, and they would be getting along just fine now that he remembered their anniversary.

Straight lies rolled off the devil's tongue with ease, thought Leigh as he rolled his eyes. But he hadn't moved from his spot. He had been locked in place as he listened and nodded when the cop confirmed. The office didn't seem to perturbed to find men in this situation and was grateful that he didn't need to spend the night in jail for indecent exposure.

What was he going to do? Was he going to let the beast fuck him in the wild, out in the open..

He turned his back to Trent. Face red and ashamed. How easily he had forgiven him.. No. He wanted his fucking body. He wanted to use him and feel the fullness over and over again.

'Bunny..' Trent uttered softly. Was there a crack in his voice? 'Come with me.'

The boy stood there, blankly starting at Trent like he had a third head. He scoffed, crossed his arms over his chest, and arched an eyebrow. 'No.'

Trent's eyes darkened as he glowered. 'Don't make me --'

'Or what?' The boy cut him off. He was feeling cocky, edgy, and tingly. He was thankful for the darkness. His face was hot and most likely red. Trent didn't need to see it, to use it against him..

After silence, he added, 'You'll take me against my will again?'

Why did the thought thrill him a little? He was so close.. so close to letting this man fuck him like a wild animal. This man.. his Sir.. was wild, mean, rough, yet had a gentle touch. He wanted that again, but he wanted Sir to beg him for it.

'The choice is yours.'

He dropped his arms from their position and wanted to scream. 'The choice is yours.. The choice is yours! The choice is fucking yours!!'

His chest was heaving. Angry tears streamed down his cheeks. 'You gave me no choice, you bastard!'

Trent took a step closer to him, but Leigh stepped back keeping the distance between them. The darkness of the shadow where the dim light ended seemed to grow darker around the boy. 'You ruined me,' he repeated softer, barely than a whisper.

A slight breeze picked up the wisps of hair fallen from his bun, pointing them toward Trent like a magnet. But the boy didn't notice. 'I'm so fucked up because of you.. what you did.. I can't..'

He moved his gaze to looking down at the man's feet, them slowly lowered to his knees. 'I can't.. function.. I tried..' he hiccupped. 'They.. they..'


The boy shrunk into himself. Trent sighed, shifting his weight. 'Bunny.'

He tucked his chin into his chest. Trent's voice was more forceful. 'Look at me, Leighton.'

The boy's face slowly looked up, his face and eyes shiny. 'Good boy.'

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