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Warmth enveloped his flaccid cock as the stranger easily sucked it into his mouth. The thought of his kidnapper touching him for the first verse someone that he wanted to give himself to made Leigh nauseous. And mad. He was so mad he shook. Tears started again.

This person was diligent and kept sucking at him. His mind slowly moved from being angry to feeling disgusted at himself for having such a reaction to him. The warmth he was feeling rushed from his limbs and pulled into his lower belly. Vulgar sounds of the other person slurping around him made him harder.

Leigh was no stranger to these kinds of sounds. Being a hot blooded, horny single man, he watched porn and touched himself, too ashamed to go into an adult toy story to inquire and too paranoid to shop online that his parents would find the package. The very last thing he wanted was his parents to find a tentacle shaped dong, he had been eyeing, and question him about it.

His erection deflated some at the thought of his parents, but it kicked back up when the person let his cock fall out of their mouth with a pop and latched onto his sack. Knowing full well he should hate this feeling couldn't help in the very back of his mind to kinda like the feeling.

The boy bit his lip to keep the sounds from building up and bubbling out. Pressing his hips into the mattress, he tried again to pull at his wrist restraints hoping to silently break them, but he only managed to hurt his bottoms of his hands, that rubbed against the cuffs. A hand grasped his shaft and started to move in sync with the suction to his balls.

The boy bit hard on his lip. He hated himself for liking the feeling. Tears ran out of his eyes, and he let the sobs tumble out of his mouth. His captor moved again. Their tongue helped gently ease the boy's scrotum from the hold of their teeth. It hurt on the last bit. Leigh hissed.

The hand pumping his shaft stilled for a moment before the bed dipped with the added weight. Warmth wrapped around his tip. As they sucked, their tongue moved on the underside of the tip. Leigh could feel the feeling build and felt ashamed. He tried with all his might to bury his butt into the mattress, trying to hide his cock from the person, but it was no use. He moved. They followed, keeping a firm grip on him. He also tried to shake them off, but the boy was so tightly bound that he could barely shift. It felt like he was only making an effort to jiggle his body.

'Please.. please.. Aahh.. please.. let meeeee.. go.. aaahh..' he begged over and over while trying to keep his orgasm at bay.

He couldn't let his first one with a person be with this person.. this kind of person. His mind drifted to his fantasy. This was something he had been thinking about for a long time.. a very long time.

He'd meet his future partner in college, maybe a different college from the one he was currently attending. They would start out messing around and slowly show each other their wild sides. He always wanted his partner to be a virgin like himself. So, their sexual knowledge base would be on the same level. But he knew that would be nearly impossible.

Leigh wanted to be the one to ask them to date. His date would ask him to be the boyfriend officially, in some cute sort of way because Leigh imaged his date to be a cutesy romantic. Maybe from him watching too many lame Hallmark movies?

Eventually, romances and cuteness would turn into love where both of them would have the same idea to propose. Just something impromptu and at the moment. During a beautiful walk or playing in the snow or even going back home from the city.. Okay, that last one definitely Hallmarkesque. And they would run off to marry at the courthouse and have a massive reception. Then two kids (or furbabies) and a house. It was his dream. His wonderful little hope for the future.

Leigh turned toward the side and started crying again. His sobs rocked his body and caused his cock to return to its flaccid state before they started their assault. They tried to nuzzle it back to life with licks and suction. Nothing worked. The boy cried and cried, mourning the loss of his life, future husband, potential family he would never meet, his parents, sister, and never getting to finish college.

For him, escape seemed bleak. The boy thought his last moments were going to be worse than this before the person before he got bored and killed him. He cried harder. His body trembling more.

Consciousness was coming back to the boy

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Consciousness was coming back to the boy. He felt warm and cozy like he was wrapped in a soft burrito of his bed nest of blankets. Trying to snuggle deeper into the blankets, his mind was still fuzzy with sleep. A feeling hit him hard and fast. He tried to jerk up and found he was caught in blankets. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get out. He was squeezing his thighs together.

His eyes shot open and he still couldn't see. When the realization hit that he wasn't just having a nightmare, he cried out. 'Noo! No.. naah.. no no..'

Leigh repeated this mantra over and over as the ignored feeling turned into a pressing need. 'Oh god..' he called out softly, knowing he wasn't going to last much longer.

'Hey! Hey!' he yelled, shifting under the covering and trying to cup himself, like a little kid who's just learned potty training. 'Ohh god.. I'm about to go. Can I get up? I need to go to the bathroom.. please!'

The boy drug out the "please" and added a groan. The pressure was immense. It was all he could think of until.. he heard it.. The soft hurried slaps of bare feet on a hard surface.

He turned in that direction and felt the growing panic of peeing the bed, lessen to relief, and another sort of anxiety blossom in his chest. 'Please..' he begged, unable to control his squirming.' I need to go! And I need to go now!'

Leigh hoped he would be able to convey the urgency of this. It was for the both of them, he thought. He didn't need to be covered in urine and the person didn't need to clean it up. Really, I'm saving myself from a possible beating, he though smartly and quickly. He already knew the person was mad at him for not finishing.. He heard them sigh. It was deep, over his crying, and sounded annoyed. The covering slid off his body slowly until it was all gone. Leigh was on his side now. All the bindings were loose enough to allow him such a luxury.

The boy couldn't see it, but the man was smiling. His little soft blondie was adorable. Begging and squirming as he was. Eventually, he hoped it would come to the blond own his own, but they are nowhere near that.. yet.

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